

Phonebanking is an important part of getting out our message of the 99%. Whether it be for nationwide initiatives, local ballot initiatives, or Green candidates at all levels, our phonebanking team from all across the country will help out to achieve a #GreenFuture.

Current phonebanking initiatives

Fundraising Committee -- Thank You & Donor Calls
These are vital to our party growth. Thank grassroots donors, talk about their interests, and ask them to consider another year-end donation. 

Please email [email protected] so that you can be setup with the various tools needed. We will be using CallHub (some details at the bottom of the page) as well as the Nationbuilder system to enter donations (we will reply to your email to [email protected] with details and an instructional guide).

Click here for some more instructions on how to use CallHub. 

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Ballot Access -- Help States Get on The Ballot!
In 2018, we will be calling a number of states who are petitioning to get on the ballot. More precisely, we will be calling people asking them to volunteer to help organize or participate in petitioning events and giving them the websites and information they need to get started or get in touch with their state coordinator. Check back for more information as we launch phonebanking for some states. 

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Are you a Green Party candidate that has been endorsed by your state party? If so, and you have a phonebanking initiative already setup, email us the details and we will feature an abbreviated version of those details on our forthcoming candidate phonebanking page in 2018 where phonebankers can find volunteer opportunities. Email [email protected] with your state party CCed so they can verify that you are state-party endorsed. 

Join our Green Phonebanking Team Facebook group here. 
This is a place for you to find out about new phonebanking opportunities, questions answered, and give encouragement to fellow phone bankers. Note -- anyone who posts on non-phonebanking topics will be removed from this group. We keep a strict focus on our topical task.

To join the Slack group email [email protected].
Slack is a chat program where people have focused conversations on Green Party volunteer initiatives--not for casual chatting and promoting personal initiatives.