Senate And House Committees, 2007

Green Senate Campaign Committee (GSCC)
Green House Campaign Committee (GHCC)

Report to GPUS National Committee

The Seven members of the Green GSCC and four (of nine) members of the GHCC were elected in April 2009. Because the GHCC was short members and because we have a common mission we decided to conduct joint conference calls and our two committees have continued to meet via conference call jointly up to this point. At our last call (June 28) we elected officers: GSCC elected Ron Hardy Chair and Josh Krekeler Secretary. The GHCC elected Matt Lavery Chair and Ann Link Secretary. Both committees elected David McCorquodale interim Treasurer.

We have established an online “headquarters” through Basecamp, a web-based project collaboration tool that allows us to share and store files, set deadlines, project assignments, comment online and via e-mail through the site. Our immediate tasks are filling out the remaining vacancies on the GHCC and transitioning treasurer and other duties from the former committee membership to the current.

We have discussed strategies for 2010 but needed to resolve “housekeeping” duties before fully tackling 2010 Congressional election strategy and preparations. We are now preparing strategy for 2010 Congressional elections.

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Hardy, Chair GSCC
Matt Lavery, Chair CHCC