Oct 03, 2019

Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us
Colonialism, Capitalism, and Conquest Versus Connectedness
by GPPA Co-chair Alan Smith
My great grandfather, James, built a house for our family and white supremacists bombed it. He died from the injuries he suffered. He was Cherokee. His wife's mother was Lumbee, and lived enslaved on a North Carolina plantation.
Oct 03, 2019

Petition Signing Party for Santa Clara Green County Council
Saturday, October 5, 3:00 – 6:00 PM
San Jose Jose Peace & Justice Center, 48 S 7th St, San Jose, 95112
Please join us at our Petition Signing Party as our County Council candidates gather signatures from registered Greens to get on the ballot for the March 2020 Primary Elections! Come by and enjoy a fun afternoon of food, drinks, and music while meeting new Greens and discussing our work and campaigns.
Sep 26, 2019

HOUSTON – Climate Strike & Extinction Rebellion events have been called for everywhere 9/20-9/22. The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) encourages all Greens to participate with these events in their area in order to amplify the clear demand for climate action and peace. The People's Mobilization is planned in NYC, and the Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) has schedule and other information.
Sep 15, 2019

Get Ready for Campaign Season!
Santa Clara, Ca – As leaves start to fall off trees and California Assembly and Senate members reconvene in the Capitol, we, Santa Clara Greens, get ready to fight for the causes and campaign for the bills and candidates we have endorsed. From Public Banking, Rent Control, and Ranked Choice Voting bills to the Climate Strike to our County Council elections, we are busy bringing our Green values to our communities.
Sep 11, 2019

New Orleans – At September meeting of the Green Party of New Orleans we learned there's a lot going on in the Crescent City, across the state, and around the world, that will be of interest to all Greens.
Even as I type, people are converging on the Public Service Commission meeting in Baton Rouge. If you care about solar energy, contact your commissioner immediately and demand the preservation of net metering.
Aug 26, 2019

The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) is now recruiting Green candidates who support our ten key values for the 2020 general election ballot. For detailed information on running as a Green, please review our Candidate FAQ.
GPTX is committed to maintaining a ballot line to advocate for the people's issues as articulated in our platform. For this reason, GPTX has joined with other parties, candidates, and voters in filing a lawsuit to challenge Texas' unconstitutionally burdensome ballot access requirements.
Aug 26, 2019

Help Wanted: Candidate to Run for U.S. Senate!
The Illinois Green Party is looking for a well-qualified candidate to run for U.S. Senate in 2020.
Instead of waiting for someone to come to us and then seeing if that person is a good fit, we have decided to set out our qualifications first, and then see if you, or anyone you know, would like to apply for the role.
Aug 09, 2019

CHAPEL HILL NC – In our last newsletter, we announced Allen Smith’s campaign for Congress in the District 9 special election. Please consider donating to his campaign and volunteering. Allen is an outstanding candidate and will carry the Green Party message throughout his campaign.
This week we want to highlight the NC Green Party’s endorsement of Joshua Bradley for Raleigh City Council District A. This is a nonpartisan race, but Joshua is carrying the banner of the Socialist Party USA and the North Carolina Green Party (NCGP). Josh is a dual member of both organizations. NCGP members and supporters in the Triangle area, please donate to his campaign and volunteer. Josh and the campaign will need canvassers and poll workers, among other volunteers.https://www.ncgreenparty.org/2019_membership_drive
Aug 09, 2019

Time to stand up and resist corporate-dominated media & politics!
The Green Party of Santa Clara County is excited to have candidates running in different upcoming elections!
KPFA (94.1 FM), Northern California's only progressive/Left community radio station, is holding elections for its Local Station Board from August 15 - October 15, 2019. The Rescue Pacifica slate is composed of Greens and progressives whose mission is to preserve KPFA's and Pacifica's independent, rebellious, and uncensored voice. Our own county councilmember Christine Pepin is running as part of the Rescue Pacifica slate.
Aug 08, 2019

Green Star is the official publication of the Green Party of Pennsylvania
Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.
The Violence of Nuclear Energy
by Co-chair Alan Smith, Green Party of Pennsylvania
I awaken, head to the bathroom and look out the window. A column of steam greets my eyes as it rises from a nuclear power plant. I turn to look in the mirror and put on a peace sign necklace, taking a moment to meditate. The peace symbol, first used in 1958, was derived from international semaphore code which uses flag positions to symbolize letters. The letters used are N and D representing nuclear disarmament. In order to bring about peace we must rid this planet of the use of nuclear energy.