2017 Candidates to watch

Signatures collected successfully:  In a record 4 days we collected the required 500 signatures (619 collected) to print the Green party statement in the Voter’s Guide for the November elections.  Thanks to those who contributed!

NO to Measure 105 – We need all our hard-working Latino friends and family feel safe in Oregon.  No to ignorant bigotry, mistreatment and exploitation.  SUPER Important to start spreading thre word about this.  More info forthcoming soon, now please connect with orunited.org:  donte and/or write opeds and letters to your local papers, speak at churches/associations, contact your local immigrant rights groups.  Purchase and display yard signs, stay tuned.

Join the Santa Clara County Greens and all Greens from many neighboring counties at this historic, RISE FOR CLIMATE, JOBS AND JUSTICE just before Jerry Brown's Climate Action Summit in San Francisco. Meet us under the Green flags at the start of the march at Embarcadero Center, and come by our table at the end of the march at the SF Civic Plaza where Greens will be tabling and leafleting. RSVP

Saturday Sept 8th

Rise for Climate, Jobs and Justice march and Rally in San Francisco
Saturday, September 8 at 9 AM - 4 PM
Embarcadero Plaza, 4 Embarcadero Ctr, San Francisco, CA 94111

The Green Party of Santa Clara County is kicking it into high gear campaigning for our THREE Green congressional candidates that have passed the Top Two hurdle and are on the November ballot. THIS IS HISTORICAL FOLKS!

It's a rare opportunity for us to get a Green into congress to bring our values and demand to light. Imagine what a corporate-free congress could do for "We The People"!

Congratulations to all THREE of our Green California candidates, Laura WellsKenneth Mejia and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for breaking through the Top Two stranglehold on our democracy! They are all moving on to the November 6th General Elections!
The Green Party of California is working hard to mount a statewide campaign and organize volunteers behind our fine candidates and YOU CAN HELP!

Please DONATE to our candidates, volunteer to phone bank or text bank and advocate for them on social media. We Greens have to be our own media because main stream corporate media has locked us out of the conversation for decades. Help us turn our government GREEN! #WeAreGreen

Congratulations to Kenneth Mejia and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan for earning the votes of so many in their districts and getting through the top two primary and moving on to the November 6th General Elections!

This is very exciting news for California Greens and we are proud to support these congressional candidate. THIS is the time for us all to donate and volunteer and help these Green representatives take the Green Wave all the way to Congress! 

Your Signature is Needed!

Watch how easy it is to do your part to restore fair democracy in Indiana. This short instructional video explains how to sign a petition to get our candidate for Secretary of State, George Wolfe, on the ballot for the November Election.

The Green Party of Santa Clara County reminds you to VOTE GREEN in tomorrow's primary.

Not registered to vote? You can still go to your County Elections Office  to register and vote conditionally until June 5th! You ballots will be processed once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process. Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San José. Learn more HERE.

We don't usually send out links to articles from corporate entities, but this one is pretty telling.  Jon Campbell reports on how nothing is getting done in the NYS Senate because those in power put party over people.  It's chaos and gridlock in Albany as you and I try to deal with crisis after crisis with climate change, health care, systemic racism, and more.  You can read the article here. 

That is why we are so proud and excited about our candidates for statewide office as well as the Brian White for State Senate campaign in the 55th district to replace Rich Funke.  Take a look at what Brian is trying to do with his campaign, then see how you can support him.  This is a perfect example of why Greens run for office.  The two-party system is not working and if those in power don't want to do anything, we will.

The June 5th primary Election is jsut around the corner and voting by mail has already begun. We have been campaigning and phone banking for our amazing Green and corporate-free candidates and they need your vote! We invite you to change the heart of politics!

We need YOU to Get Out The Green Vote and spread the word about our Green and Corporate-free candidates who will fight for ‘We the People’.  #WeAreGreen

If you find that you share these ideals and want to work toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us, come and join the movement. 

Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values.