2017 Candidates to watch

The first quarter of 2018 brought us many new opportunities to serve our community and to campaign for our endorsed Green candidates. There is never a shortage of issues and actions for Green Party activists but even if you don't think of yourself as an activist, by just registering Green, you are taking a strong stand against the establishment political system that is set on dismantling our democracy. Here we bring you more oppotiunities to engage with issues and campaigns.

Volunteer with us and together, we can make a better world possible. #WeAreGreen

Welcome to the April 2018 issue of the DC Statehood Green Party monthly newsletter!

Follow along to learn more about a HUGE victory for democracy right here in Washington, DC, hear from our newest declared candidate for the 2018 election, and get the latest updates about how you get can get involved in the "DC Divest" and "Put a Price on Carbon" campaigns.

There is a lot happening in the local Green Party scene in Monroe County!

First of all, if you missed the March monthly meeting on Food Justice, fear not. We have video!

News, Candidates, Information, Events Nationally, Statewide & Locally

If you find that you share these ideals and want to work toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us, come and join the movement. Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values. Want to help? Sign the PA Green Party Petition to decriminalize below!

Wisconsin Green Party Co-chair's Report: Winter 2018, By Dave Schwab, WIGP Co-chair

The Wisconsin Green Party has been busy since our Fall Gathering in Muskego. One of the first steps we took, after electing new officers and adding more active members to our committees, was to convene a Structure Team to address some of the structural issues that have held our party back from greater growth and effectiveness. The Structure Team's first task was to propose substantial revisions to our bylaws, which are presented in this newsletter for our members to review.

Welcome to the March Newsletter of the Santa Clara County Green Party

With the arrival of Spring we can't help but be rejuvenated and hopeful for the future of our world. No doubt there is enough daily bad news to bring us down. Yet we are hopeful, because our work in the Green Party, is the actual expression of HOPE against stacked odds! We belief that TOGETHER, we will claim our democracy back and have the government we truly deserve. From February, the month of PEACE and LOVE, we are moving into March, the month of COMPASSION! Please join us in serving our communities, in any way available and possible.

We can ONLY do better, if we ALL do better. People, Planet and Peace Over Profit.


We have arrived at the month of LOVE and our government is sharing no love with the seven countries we continue wage war and occupation in. We are dedicating February to PEACE, one of the four pillars of the Green Party, and we are gearing up for our Divestment Community Forum and many anti-war street rallies for peace. What we need in our world is more peacemongers, so we are getting our community engaged in the PEACE MOVEMENT. Please join us at our events and help put People, Planet and Peace Over Profit.



January was an active month for the Green Party of Texas. We filed with TX SOS to seek 2018 ballot access. Many Greens across Texas participated in the national Women's March activities including the Harris County Green Party with the Houston Women’s March. Many Greens across the country spoke to our Green vision and platform at Greens speak out on the State of the Union. This series offers good insight into what it means to be Green. The Green Party nationally offered it's response to Trump’s State of the Union.


15 Elected Greens in PA Office!

We had great results for election year 2017. We're gearing up for 2018, including several special elections. If you want to get involved and work with us directly on these efforts, consider volunteering or joining a committee.


Happy 2018 to all Greens and Greens-at-heart. We begin this year with a renewed commitment to bring the message of People, Planet and Peace Over Profit to our communities. Our work will be guided by the Green Party's four pillars of Social Justice, Democracy, Ecology, and Peace.

We truly believe that if everyone in our country could make a free and informed choice about their political party, they too would be Green! Because fundamentally, we all share the Green's HUMAN values! Please begin this year with us by renewing your support and commitment to our mission and shared values. If you are not already a registered Green, take the leap and register to join the original people's party.