Follow the Latest News from our 2018 Green Party candidates

Green Party Candidate Enters State Senate Race

District 19 voters will have the opportunity to vote for a member of the Green Party to be their next state senator now that David Jeang of Rockville has thrown his hat into the ring. "I feel the need to build other representation in Montgomery County would be healthy to bring out voters who don't feel the alignment with the current Democratic County and in turn bring out more voters in the whole of Maryland," he said in a phone interview. Continue reading

Kurland Speaks Out on Snyder's Budget

Today, Governor Rick Snyder announced his budget for FY2019. The Governor has yet again neglected to mention that the city of Flint still does not have access to clean, safe drinking water while proposing an additional investment of $25.9M to Flint for service line replacements. He neglected to mention that Michigan is currently giving 130 million gallons of our groundwater to Nestle while only charging them $200/year when they make over $300 million/year from our public resource. We could certainly fix the water mains in Flint much faster if Nestle was charged an equitable fee for their water withdrawal. He has yet again neglected to include the full costs of fixing Flint in the 2019 budget, allowing for this crisis to continue and be passed on to his successor. While he may be leaving the state with a projected "rainy day" fund of $922 million, he is also leaving our state with our own version of Katrina with a cost to fix of $1.2 - $4 billion. Continue reading

Kurland Responds To Trump's Racist Rhetoric On Immigrants -

President Trump is showing his weakness by speaking in subservience to white supremacy The comments made by President Trump on Thursday about immigrants from Norway being more desirable than those from Haiti or Africa was thinly veiled racist rhetoric. This is 2018, yet sadly our President is speaking in racist undertones that would not have been acceptable in 1918. The United States is a great place to live, but we are still a work in progress. We are still working to overcome the centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, segregation, redlining, and today's environmental racism. We are still working to accept new immigrants, as each wave from our country's founding through today experience the same fear and uncertainty in a new land. Continue reading

Kurland to host live chat tonight

Jennifer V. Kurland, who is seeking the Green Party of Michigan's Nomination for Governor, will host a live chat this evening. At 7:00 this evening go to Jennifer's Facebook page OR YouTube page to interact with our live chat tonight. Share the link to your friends and family via your social media to help us expand the audience of this chat to as many Michiganders as possible! this Sunday at 7:00 pm, join the live chat and share the video to your Facebook friends to participate! Continue reading

Maine CD2 candidate Henry Bear: Tax bill opposition sounds Green to me

HOULTON, ME-- Maine Green Independent candidate for the 2nd Congressional District Henry Bear noted today his opposition to the current tax reform plan being reconciled in Washington between recently passed House and Senate bills. In particular, Bear noted the bills, supported by Bruce Poliquin, the current 2nd District congressman and Sen. Susan Collins, are widely unpopular in Maine. They do not represent the interests of common Mainers, he said, and run contrary to the future health and well-being of Maine citizens by raising taxes on those making less than $75,000. Continue reading

Join the Green Wave - GOTV in 2018!

  The Green Party Calls for Green Wave Volunteers!!The Coordinated Campaign Committee is calling for a national Green Wave in support of our 2018 candidates. We have a great group of candidates running in this year's election. They need your help. The 2018 Green Wave is an effort to mobilize volunteers in the final weeks of the campaign. Find and support a candidate near you and volunteer today! Continue reading