This conference call is designed for declared candidates, and especially those considering a run for office this year with the Green Party. Those who are (or plan to be) key support staff or volunteers are also welcome to join. This particular session will focus on:
- reasons to run for office (and reasons not to run)
- what a typical campaign year might look like
- personal considerations before making the decision
- how to seek a Green Party endorsement
- working with your local Green Party chapter (or building it as necessary)
So you want to run for office...
February 11, 2020
9:00 p.m. Eastern
This call will feature Green Party elected officials Cliff Yankovich and Kat Bruner James, both from Michigan. Kat was recently elected to the Ferndale City Council in 2019, receiving 29% of the vote, coming in first out of field of five. Cliff was just elected to Lowell City Council in 2019 as well. He was also the Green Party candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives in 2016. Craig Cayetano, Green Party candidate for Hawthorne Town Council in New Jersey will also join us.
Please RSVP in advance of the call on the website (or below). You will receive an immediate auto-confirmation from our online system, which includes the log-in information. This notification will go to the email address we have on file for you. If you do not get the information for the call, email [email protected].
- February 11, 2020 at 9:00pm – 10:30pm
- online
- 65 people are going
Hillary Kane

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