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Thank you for your interest in getting involved in Delaware.
The Green Party of Delaware wants to grow so that we have a ballot line for our candidates from our President and Vice President candidates, other federal candidates, to down ballot local candidates.
Our goal is to register more Greens and get out the vote. Can you help us? Talking with your family, friends, and colleagues about the importance of registering Green and voting Green goes a long way. After all, all politics is local.
It is easy to register to vote – or change party affiliation. It can be done online at .
Delaware Ballot Access Coordinator
David McCorquodale
[email protected]
You can help to fund our nationwide ballot access efforts.
Make a donation to our Ballot Access Committee fund.
Delaware Ballot Access Coordinator
David McCorquodale
[email protected]
Use the links below to connect with Greens online, where organizing and events are discussed.
Green Party of Delaware:
Facebook Group
Facebook Page
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