Thank you for donating!
Your contribution to the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee goes direct to worthy candidates.
Green candidates are powering up for elections across the country and organizing to win. To succeed they need your support. Your donation to the Coordinated Campaign Committee fund will go directly to local, district, and state-level campaigns that need resources the most and help targeted elections across the nation.
Your generous support will help fund groundbreaking Green campaigns, enabling candidates to have effective social media, publish literature for canvassing, t-shirts for campaign volunteers and pizza for hungry crew as we sow seeds of change.
Thank you for everything you do to support our candidates and to promote Green Party values.
The Coordinated Campaign Committee
*Your privacy matters. We will never sell or give your contact information to any outside organization other than your state Green Party. Paid for by the Green Party of the United States, PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013.