Thank you for supporting the Green Party! (PayPal)
We’re taking our Green Party message straight to the voters. But for that, we need your help. How? By becoming a Sustainer.
Sustainers are activists just like you who make a monthly financial commitment to the party. It's easy. Just sign up and we debit your pledge automatically from your debit or credit card.
The Green Party accepts no corporation donations because grassroots democracy is one of our key values. We appreciate you being a part of building a sustainable and equitable future for everyone.
Our sustainers give $15 monthly on average, but we appreciate any monthly amount you can give! We have many $10 sustainers and a number of $50 or $100 monthly donors, too, if that is within your means.
Monthly donations are the core of our entire party operations comprising over half of our annual income. It allows us to reliably pay our unionized staff a living wage, project our budget for core programs like achieving nationwide ballot access and providing campaign support, and developing our issue programming to support people, planet, and peace over profit!
If you are currently a Green Sustainer and wish to increase your monthly gift, please email us.
To make a one-time donation instead, click here.
The Green Party of the United States
PO Box 75075
Washington, DC 20013
Please include your occupation and the name of your employer. This information is required by federal election law.
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