EcoAction Webinar on Climate and Biodiversity COPs
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the US hosted a a webinar on November 11 devoted to the recent COP on biodiversity and the COP on climate that begins on the 11th.
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EcoAction Webinar with 2024 Green Party Candidates
The EcoAction and Coordinated Campaign Committees of the Green Party of the United States held a webinar with Green Party candidates on climate and ecological issues on Monday, October 14.
Among the issues to be highlighted by candidates will be an Ecosocialist Green New Deal; fighting fossil fuels, incineration, and nuclear power; Indigenous Rights; promoting the Rights of Nature and biodiversity; zero waste; ending single-use plastics; Making Polluters Pay; sustainable agriculture; environmental justice; and, the right to clean water and air.
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Call Pres Biden re Climate Emergency
April 9 to 11 – Call in To Biden on Climate Emergency, Ecosocialist Green New Deal.
Call President Biden :202-456-1111 (On Tuesday, April 11 – Thursday April 11, between 11 AM to 3 PM ET).
Also, email [email protected]; or via internet
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Update on COP28
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the U.S. held a forum on Monday, December 11 to provide an update on COP28.
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End Fossil Fuels webinar recording now available
The EcoAction Committee held a webinar on End Fossil Fuels regarding the September 17 march in New York City.
Speakers included Eric Weltman of Food and Water Watch, one of the main groups organizing the event. Mark Dunlea will also provide an overview of the green’s effort to end fossil fuels and promote a ecosocialist Green New Deal – a call that the party initiated back in 2010.
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End Fossil Fuels March on September 17, 2023
Green Party to join March to End Fossil Fuels in NYC on Sunday Sept. 17 in conjunction with UN Meeting on Climate
The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) has endorsed the September 17th March to End Fossil Fuels in New York City. Green Party groups mobilizing for the event also include the EcoAction Committee of both GPUS and the Green Party of New York; and Green Parties of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut.
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webinar on Climate change and agriculture
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the U.S. held a forum on Monday, August 14 about climate change and agriculture.
Speakers included Peter Lehner and Liz Henderson.
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Declaration of Independence from Fossil Fuels
Putting Out the Planetary Fire
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary to act on global warming and dissolve our dependence on fossil fuels, a decent respect to the opinions of others requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to the dissolution.
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EcoAction Says Tell Biden to Halt Fossil Fuels, MVP; Climate Forum June 12
The People vs. Fossil Fuels coalition, of which EcoAction is part of, is organizing actions across the country from June 8 to 11 to tell President Biden to halt fossil fuels. (See list of events here) Several actions below.
The campaign to end Fossil Fuels will be a central part of the EcoAction monthly meeting and forum this Monday, June 12 at 8 PM ET. We will have a twenty minute report of the week of action and next steps to end fossil fuels. We will also have a 20-minute open discussion on the emotion impact of climate change on people and activists.
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EcoAction GP forum on Earth Day to May Day
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the U.S. held a webinar forum on Monday, April 10 about the importance of this year’s Earth Day to May Day activities. The event is part of the national day to build the Green Party.
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