We need your help for a Green Pennsylvania!
Thanks to the fine efforts of more than 100 petition volunteers, I have filed to appear on the November 6 ballot and step into the debates with other candidates.
As the Green Party of Pennsylvania candidate for Governor, I will raise big issues on the big stage – debating corporate party candidates about fracking, mass incarceration, green jobs, organic agriculture (including marijuana), expanding healthcare to everyone, funding education that inspires a love of learning, and more. Greens offer specific policy proposals that restore grassroots control of land, law, and money to benefit ecology and justice. Here are some of my proposals.
Green elected officials open the door for grassroots organizations to push through. We are nothing without you. That is why I am writing to you. We can translate a few bucks – from your pocket to our campaign – into paying the phone bill, delivering focused press releases to the right reporters, and spreading campaign literature across the state.
Then – when we get into the debates – we'll make sure that Green messages come before the broad public on that big stage. Our children, our families, our environment, our schools, our dysfunctional employment, healthcare, food and transportation systems – every system – needs better, more results-driven policy.
Please click on my CrowdPac link to give the voters a real choice! Or you may send your check or money order to “Glover for Governor,” c/o Treasurer Tim Runkle, 211 North Poplar Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022.
By the way, your ideas are as welcome as well as your dollars, [email protected].
Paul Glover
PA Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate 2018
PS: To volunteer with the Paul Glover Campaign for Governor of PA, please visit PA Green Wave.