Proposal 1010: Endorse Alliance For Just Money AFJM Resolution 1
For over 100 years monetary reformers have called for fundamental change from our private, debt-based money system which concentrates wealth and power, to a democratic, equity-based money that circulates permanently and equitably in the real economy.
Congress needs to legislate this change, but they don’t know it. Since the 1930’s money systems have been a taboo topic and we all suffer a terrible ignorance about how powerfully they affect our lives.
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Proposal 970: Endorsement of HR2407
Promoting the Human Rights of Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Occupation
H.R.2407 was introduced in the House to prohibit money from the United States to be prohibited from being used to torture or harm Palestinian children. [It's not about ending arms sales however.] It ask United States Secretary of State, to promise in certified writing that Israel is not using American money to torture Palestinian children. It is important for the Green Party to come out clearly and cleanly in support of the rights of the Palestinian people, on the record.
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Proposal 968: Become a participating organization in the Peoples Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine
Approval for GP-US to sign as a participating organization in the People’s Mobilization to Stop the US War Machine
This is an important action supporting our pillar of nonviolence and will give the Green Party wider exposure and help support our pillar of nonviolence.
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Proposal 940: Fukushima-Daiichi: Seven Years Later
Approved by the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States, December 2, 2018
Three nuclear reactor buildings at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (Fuku) blew apart following the Great East Japan Earthquake and resulting tidal wave in 2011. Nuclear fuel was thrown into the air, onto the land and into the Pacific Ocean. The roofs and floors of the three reactors were destroyed.
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Proposal 938: in Opposition to Rising Fascism
The following text is presented to the Green Party of the United States as a resolution adopted in 2018 in opposition to the growing threat of fascist and white supremacist groups who have escalated their recruitment activities by initiating targeted campaigns of harassment and violence against immigrants, people of color, and left-wing students and professors on university campuses and in communities across the US and beyond.
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Proposal 110: Position statement on reforming the Electoral College
The Electoral Commission holding a secret session by candle-light, on the Louisiana question, February 16, 1877.
Presented by DC Statehood Green Party; Black Caucus; Green Party of PennsylvaniaAdopted October 3, 2004
Congress enacted the 14th Amendment in order to ensure equal protection under the law and voting rights for all citizens, including newly enfranchised African Americans. But local, state, and federal government bodies quickly undermined the 14th Amendment, especially through Jim Crow laws, restrictions on the right to vote, passage and maintenance of winner-take-all and at-large voting systems, and application of the 14th Amendment to corporations under the principle that corporations were persons under the U.S. Constitution.
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Proposal 109: GPUS Presence at Million Worker March
On Sunday, October 17, 2004, there will be a march on Washington DC. This mobilization is being proposed by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 10, in response to the attacks upon working families in America, the illegal preemptive war on Iraq, and the millions of jobs lost during the Bush administration and with the complicity of Congress.
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Proposal 60: International Resolution of the Green Party of the United States Opposing U.S. Intervention in Cuba
BACKGROUND: REVISION 3 (11/17/03) The proposed policy statement declares and explains the Green Party's opposition to any U.S. intervention in Cuba. The International Committee expects this statement to serve as the basis for national and state party organizing for peace and regional development, coalition-building with kindred organizations, electoral campaign materials, and press statements, and will be submitted to the Platform Committee for inclusion in the 2004 Green Party Platform.
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Proposal 62: International Resolution of the Green Party of the United States Calling for Fair Trade and Opposing Free Trade Area of the Americas
The proposed policy statement declares and explains the Green Party's support for Fair Trade policies, and opposition to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). The International Committee expects this statement to serve as the basis for national and state party organizing, coalition- building with kindred organizations, electoral campaign materials, and press statements, and it will be submitted to the Platform Committee for inclusion in the 2004 Green Party Platform. The original statement was drafted by IC members Jim Polk of the Green Party of Virginia, and Tony Affigne of the Green Party of Rhode Island. The proposed resolution was approved by the International Committee on Friday, November 7, by CONSENSUS. Proposal
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Proposal 49: End to War Profiteers and Corporate Invasion of Iraq
Endorse the call by the Institute of Southern Studies to stop the war profiteers and end the corporate invasion of Iraq.
Today, a handful of well connected US corporations- many with scandal ridden business records, are making billions in profits off the suffering of war, and pushing, with the aid of the US military, a destructive plan for privatization.
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