HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The state is appealing a judge's order to remove Montana Green Party candidates from the November ballot because they did not gather enough signatures to qualify.
Howie Hawkins campaign applauds Green Party achieving ballot status in Texas
The Howie Hawkins Campaign, which is seeking the Green Party nomination for president, applauded the Green Party of Texas for achieving ballot status. Governor Greg Abbott signed HB-2504 which gave the Green Party ballot access because Martina Salinas achieved more than 2% of the statewide vote total in her 2016 race for Railroad Commissioner.
Read moreGreen Party Ballot Access Restored in Texas!
HOUSTON, Tx. – Thanks to the passage of HB 2504, the threshold for retaining ballot access in Texas has been lowered, qualifying the Green Party of Texas (GPTX) for the ballot at least through 2026. This is great news for all of us who have fought for years to push ideas like the Green New Deal into the public debate. In fact, every major social advancement in US history has been championed by alternative parties, from the abolition of slavery to women's suffrage, from social security and medicare to marijuana decriminalization and today's push for the Green New Deal.
Read moreGreen Party Agrees it is Time to Get Rid of Electoral Fusion
Albany - The Green Party of New York agrees with Monday’s decision by the Democratic Party State Committee to ban electoral fusion, though for fundamentally different reasons. Fusion, often presented as a tool to expand democratic choice, is in reality ballot lines-for-hire used to entrench the two-party system and provide political cover for the Democratic and Republican parties. It enables patronage machines that masquerade as small parties and shifts power from rank and file party members to candidates and campaign donors. And it contributes to an electoral arena where it is all but impossible for legitimate, independent third-parties like the Greens to compete. Fusion breeds confusion.
Read moreHelp us defend our ballot line
Today is the first General election we are participating in since we became an officially recognized political party in Missouri! Having statewide ballot access, allowed our 11 endorsed candidates to focus completely on campaigning instead of having to spend months gathering signatures to get on the ballot.
Our ballot line is key part of our strategy for building independent working class power in Missouri. Help us defend that achievement by voting for our statewide candidates, Jo Crain for US Senate and Don Fitz for State Auditor! If either of them get over 2% of the vote, we have statewide ballot access until 2022.
Read moreState Appeals Ruling That Blocks Green Party Ballot Access
The notice was filed late Wednesday with the Montana Supreme Court along with a separate motion asking District Judge James Reynolds to temporarily suspend his July 9 order pending the appeal.
Ballot Access
Ballot Access News Archive | Voter Suppression | Volunteer by State | Facebook
Over the past several elections our candidates and national party have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get our candidates on the ballot. Every state has ballot access requirements political parties must meet. Numerous states mandate candidates meet a threshold to maintain that ballot line. To meet requirements, we need volunteers to collect petition signatures, organize petitioners, call volunteers, and many other various tasks. We also need donations to help us fund our activities in all 50 states + DC.
The best way to gain ballot access is to keep it.
Please get involved with the Green Party!
You can make a direct donation to our national Ballot Access Committee fund.
The national Ballot Access Committee Fund provides grants, support, and coordination to accredited state green parties and candidates. All donations are dedicated for ballot access purposes. Funds will help us achieve the goal of ballot access in all states and territories.
If you are able to help, please first fill out the volunteer form below and coordinate with your state party:
Find your state party page listed above for more details.
Ballot mishaps at primaries highlight third party struggle
As the votes from the 2018 primary elections are being finalized, the Illinois Green Party is complaining about the challenges third party political groups often face.
The Illinois Green Party criticized the conduct of Cook County poll workers during the primary after receiving reports that voters were not given Green Party ballots when requested. Green Party voters were instead told to choose between a Democrat or Republican ballot in at least nine of suburban Cook County townships, according to a March 20 press release from the party.
Read moreGreen Party of Texas Files for 2018 Ballot Access
The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) has filed party registration with the Texas Secretary of State’s office, declaring GPTX intent to nominate candidates to the November 2018 general election ballot.
GPTX lost ballot access in 2016 when it’s leading statewide candidate, Martina Salinas for Railroad Commissioner, finished with 3.26%, receiving 285,558 votes. Despite this and other strong finishes across the state, GPTX failed to meet the 5% threshold in a statewide race necessary to retain ballot access. In order to again qualify, GPTX will have to collect 47,183 verified voter signatures, in person, from voters who have not participated in any other party’s primary or convention, within a 75-day period beginning March 14th.
Read moreExpanding Ballot Access in 2018
Last year the Green Party gained national visibility and reached a peak of 5% support in mid-summer polls. As the election drew closer, support gradually fell to 1.1% on election day. While a number of factors were at play, the lack of ballot lines in several large states was among them.
The 1.5 million votes received by Jill Stein in 2016 is three times her vote total in 2012. It is nine times the votes received by former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney in 2008, and twelve times the vote for David Cobb in 2004. While the Green Party presidential vote in 2016 is only 51% of our vote for Ralph Nader in 2000, it is double the vote for Nader's best run as an independent.
Read moreDonate to the Ballot Access Committee
As a "third party," we face a lot of obstacles just to get our candidates on the ballot. This is one of the many ways our broken political system keeps people like you from having candidates and elected officials that reflect your views and desires. Each state has a different set of rules, and some are much more difficult to get on than others.
The Ballot Access Committee (BAC) works with our state parties and volunteers to help them mount successful ballot drives, including but not limited to making sure our Presidential ticket is on the ballot in as many states as possible.
*Your privacy matters. We will never sell or give your contact information to any outside organization other than your state Green Party. Paid for by the Green Party of the United States, PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013.
For those interested in learning more about how donations are spent, budget information is available upon request.