Real Solutions Can't Wait
The November 7 election is just around the corner – and with your help, we can chart a new course.
Greens are poised to take to control of a once-great city – Syracuse, New York – and turn it into a Rust Belt recovery story whose example could instigate Green electoral insurgencies across New York State and the nation.
Read moreGreen Party of St. Louis Calls for Independent Investigation of Police Complicity with Property Damage
September 19, 2017 – St. Louis, Missouri. We know that several windows were broken in the Central West End on the night of Friday, September 15, the day that Judge Timothy Wilson announced his "not guilty" verdict in St. Louis cop Jason Stockley's 2011 murder of Anthony Lamar Smith. We know that several more windows were smashed in the Delmar Loop of University City on the night of Saturday, September 16 and in downtown St. Louis the night of Sunday, September 17.
However, we also know that ...
Read moreGreenline: The Green Party Build it NOW or Shut It Down!!!
From Darryl! Moch, Green Party Black Caucus Co-Chair:
This year at the Annual National Meeting (ANM) in Newark, New Jersey, the Green Party of the United States experienced a tremendous boost in energy and in opportunity – and at the same time was faced with challenges that will lead to greater political maturation and inclusion. This ANM's attendance may have been the largest gathering of Greens (old, new, young, people of color, women, activists, political novices, political powerhouses, analysts, thinkers, movers and shakers, grassroots workers, and expert "rabble-rousers and troublemakers") – OUR people!!!! With all this energy and synergy going on you could expect some things to get stirred up. And a lot of good stuff was stirred up, for sure.
Read moreJordan Edwards, Another Victim of Police Violence
Police violence against black men has struck again in North Texas. This time, Jordan Edwards, a 15 year-old freshman in high school from Balch Springs, a near suburb of Dallas’ southeast side, was shot to death by Roy Oliver, a six-year veteran of the Balch Springs Police Department.
Late Saturday night, April 29, neighbors reported to police that a house party had gotten too loud, and they asked the police to come and check it out. A short time later, Jordan Edwards was shot dead with a rifle.
Read moreJames Lane
Green Party Candidate for New York City Public Advocate
James Lane is not a career politician, he is an internet media professional, independent musician and has been a Green Party activist for over 16 years.
In 2013 he was the Green Party candidate for New York City Public Advocate and in 2015 he ran for Congress against the Republican candidate Dan Donovan who was the District Attorney that failed to indict anyone in the killing of Eric Garner.
James is a lifelong resident of New York City who was born in Flushing; raised in Harlem; matured in Hell’s Kitchen and currently is living in Park Slope. James is married and has a young child in New York City’s public school system.
At the age of 23 James lost both of his parents due to health issues related to cancer and diabetes. Then a few months later James found out that he was adopted by those parents at the age of 2, but due to current laws was not allowed access to any information regarding his family of origin.
From that moment, his fight for justice through political activism formally began, with the hope that laws such as denying a person’s right to know about their origins will be removed from our society forever.
Over the past 25 years, Mr. Lane has maintained leadership roles in union and corporate jobs, while also volunteering in his free time as an activist to help promote social justice issues.
He is a member of the Adoptee Rights and Black Lives Matter movements. His current titles include: Founder, Hot Indie Media; Editor-in-Chief, Hot Indie News; State Committee Member, Green Party of New York State; Black Caucus Member, Green Party of the United States, National Diversity Committee Member, Green Party of the United States.
Green Party Elects First Black Woman Chair of Any Illinois Political Party
On Saturday, March 25th, the membership of the Illinois Green Party at their statewide Membership Meeting elected Zerlina Smith as party Chair. Ms. Smith will be the first Black woman to lead the Illinois Green Party, and the first Black chairperson of any established political party in the state of Illinois.
"This is the face of the Green Party right now," said Ms. Smith, immediately following her election. "This is a vibrant, diverse, and growing party, with people from all walks of life and all colors of skin."
Read moreGreen Talking Points: Green Party sees need for sustained protest and organizing under Trump
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party has compiled a set of talking points on the need for intense and sustained protest during the next four years.
Greens support sustained protest and community organizing against the Trump Administration's expected policies, actions, and appointments. Greens across the U.S. are participating in various protest actions.
Read moreWhy Blacks Must Abandon The Democratic Party and Vote Green
With just one day, literally away from one of the most portentous presidential elections since 1964, the similarities eerie, African-Americans must be willing to take a leap of faith and shift from the Democratic Party to the Green Party and vote for presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate Ajamu Baraka. We have been in this abusive relationship far too long, that has taken our votes for granted, has not benefitted us and continues to posture itself as our one and only savior from the scary alternative—the right wing Republican Party. Yet, after all of these years, policy-wise, it has failed miserably.
In 1964 when President Lyndon Johnson was facing Republican Barry Goldwater, an open racist and repugnant, much like Trump, Malcolm forewarned Blacks, who like many in the Black community today, to not be fooled by the fear mongering. He stated “The shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists, knew that the only way people would run towards the fox [Johnson] would be if you showed them the wolf [Goldwater].” Do we not find ourselves facing this very same dillema today? Before I go any further, because I can already imagine the looks on your faces and what you must be thinking. Is she advocating that Black people vote for Donald Trump? Absolutely, emphatically NOT!
Read moreAn open letter to Black Lives Matter Supporters
In her recent keynote speech at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York City, Alicia Garza called out both the Democratic and Republican parties for failing to halt the growing hatred and inequality that target people of color in the United States and, we would add, around the world. Alicia noted the need to build power on many fronts, socially, economically and politically, in order to confront the status quo and create a world in which black and brown lives are valued.
We agree wholeheartedly with Alicia and the many courageous people who are struggling to end racist policies that perpetrate violence on black and brown communities through redlining, gentrification, disinvestment, criminalization, the drug war, mass incarceration, and more. We agree that we must disrupt the status quo and work together to build a new democracy in which black lives matter.
We invite all people who care about protecting and empowering black lives to work with us to build political power outside the corporate duopoly through the Green Party. The Green Party has been building political infrastructure at the grassroots level and nationwide for the past twenty years. Our candidates and leadership from the local to national levels reflect the diversity of the party. Our processes are rooted in democracy. Click here to learn more about the Green Party pillars and ten key values.
As co-chairs of the Presidential Nominating Convention (PNC) that takes place during the Annual Meeting, we want you to know that we welcome your ideas, participation and leadership. We invite you to attend the Annual Meeting and PNC in Houston this August. At the meeting, we’ll have workshops on policy and issues, how to build the Green Party, running for office, and more. We’ll select our presidential candidate, network with Greens from other countries at the international reception, show our talents at an open mic night, and after our candidate is confirmed, we’ll celebrate with a Party for the Revolution sponsored by our Presidential Nominee.
We also encourage you to get involved in the party and run for office at the federal, state, or local level. Fill out the form below if you are interested in more information about the Green Party.
The Green Party is largely made up of people who care deeply about critical issues facing us today. We are activists for economic, racial, and environmental justice. We work to end wars and create positive alternatives in our communities. Greens have been elected to various levels of government and more than 150 are running in the coming election.
We want you to know that should you choose it, you will find a political home in the Green Party where we will work together for the changes we so desperately need.
Margaret Flowers MD and James Lane
Honorary Co-chairs of the 2016 Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention