Statement of Green Party of New York City on Response to Black Lives Matter Protests
New York – The Green Parties of Brooklyn, the Bronx, and New York counties strongly condemn the violence perpetrated by the New York Police Department (NYPD) during the past week of protests in the five boroughs of New York City, as protesters voiced their outrage over the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Party officials denounced Governor Andrew Cuomo’s call for more police and a curfew, and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s refusal to rein in the heavy-handed tactics of the NYPD.
Read moreGreen Party Calls For Defunding the Police Across New York State
ALBANY, NY — Green Party of New York (GPNY) leaders today echoed the calls by Black Lives Matter and civil rights activist groups across the nation protesting the murder of George Floyd and other black Americans, and called for the immediate defunding of police departments across the state. The Greens support redirecting the funds towards community needs and social services.
The Greens support the effort to reduce the upcoming NYC budget for police by at least $1 billion annually.
Read moreThe Green Party of California statement on the murder of George Floyd
Black Lives Matter ... End Police Brutality
SAN FRANCISCO – The Green Party of California stands in solidarity with the Black and Brown community and condemns the brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers on May 25th. We join the Movement for Black Lives in calling for the arrest and prosecution of all police officers involved in George Floyd's murder, the end to police brutality and to the global racialized capitalist system.
Read moreStatement on George Floyd's murder and ongoing protests across the country
INDIANAPOLIS, IN – The Indiana Green Party (INGP) is outraged by the murder of George Floyd. We all heard George Floyd say he could not breathe. We all heard the pleas from bystanders to halt the execution of George Floyd. We all watched George Floyd lose his life as a person who is supposed to protect him kneeled on his neck until he died. With sicking sadness and outrage at the brutal and mindless murder of yet another black American at the hands of the very people we pay to serve and protect the public, the Indiana Green Party condemns the ongoing police brutality and stands in solidarity with protesters across the country.
Read moreLavender Green Caucus statement on the killing of George Floyd
The late Bayard Rustin once said, "Let us be enraged about injustice, but let us not be destroyed by it." We witness injustice all around us and on a Monday in late May injustice destroyed George Floyd in the streets of Minneapolis.
The video of Floyds death is horrific and terrible but not unusual in the United States. George Floyd became another victim of racially motivated police brutality which we see being repeated over and over again across the United States. It should not be a death sentence to be Black in America. Our system has failed to address this crisis of racially motivated police violence in any meaningful sense.
Read moreUS Senate Candidate Savage: we must act to overcome white supremacy and systemic racism
GRAY, Me – Today Lisa Savage, independent Green candidate for US Senate in Maine's ranked choice voting race for the seat currently held by Susan Collins, released the following statement in response to the uprising following the police murder of George Floyd and other Black Americans:
A white supremacist country is not great. A white supremacist country can never be great.
Read moreUpper Hudson Green Party condemns police violence in Albany
ALBANY, NY - The Upper Hudson Green Party strongly condemned the police use of force against unarmed protesters last night in Albany’s South End. Party leaders said that the protesters were expressing years of frustration with the Albany Police that included similar incidents that led to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Party officials said that the violent police response to the protest, which seemed to include police hurling objects at protesters from the roof of the South End Police Station, as well as tear gas, rubber bullets, and pepper spray, was a condemnable act of violence against the population.
Read moreStatement on the murder of George Floyd and solidarity protests around New York State
ALBANY, NY – The Green Party of New York is outraged by the murder of George Floyd by former officer Derek Chauvin while fellow officers menacingly kept distressed and concerned by-standers at bay. The evidence is unequivocal that Chauvin and the other former officers killed Floyd and all of them need to be arrested, charged, and convicted for their crimes. The arrest of Derek Chavuin, while a welcome development, must be followed with the same for the other former officers.
Read moreStatement on the public executions of unarmed black men, women and children nationwide
HARTFORD, Ct – The video-recorded killing of George Floyd by one Minneapolis police officer while other officers participated or stood by and said nothing, and while frightened members of the public tried desperately to intervene on his behalf represents a terrifying new low in the United States. While white millionaires who have engaged in multi-million dollar fraud may spend a little time in country club prisons where their bunkmates are politicians and other well-heeled “white collar” criminals, an African American man was publicly executed without trial, based on the mere allegation that he passed a fake twenty dollar bill.
Read moreGeorge Floyd Response: Green Party US National Black Caucus Demands Accountability, Structural Changes to Save Black and Brown Lives From Police Brutality
Green Party National Co-Chair Trahern Crews Part of Community Response in Minneapolis
On Tuesday, May 25th Officer Derek Chauvin forced his knee on the neck of George Floyd for eight grueling, life-taking minutes until he died — as Officer Tou Thao looked on. Community members were present and recorded the horrific, traumatizing incident that has sparked protest and anger in the Black community across America.
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