Salute' Bruce Dixon
The Green Party of the United States National Black Caucus Salutes the life and legacy of Mr. Bruce Dixon.
We are mindful and grateful for the amazing work that Dixon did in his lifetime. He was a stalwart vigilant advocate and warrior for Black Liberation and Justice, seeking to raise black voices and consciousness in the United States of America and around the world and particularly within the ranks of the Green Party of the United States.
We will remember Bruce's work for his challenges and passionate demands for unity. At one time Bruce was an active part of the Caucus. What we take away from our many exchanges is a commitment to march forward and continue the work in the struggle against racism, classism, and the other forms of bigotry that plague our nation and the world.
We send our condolences to his family, friends and the people whose lives he touched in so many ways through his work in the Green Party of Georgia, The Black Agenda Report and in countless encounters in the struggle.
Bruce Dixon, we will remember you; you will not be forgotten.
Rest in Peace & Love.
On behalf of the GPUS National Black Caucus.
Darryl! LC Moch, Co-chair
Robin Harris, Co-chair
Philena Farley, Secretary/ Treasurer
Trahern Crews, Delegate
Monica James, Delegate
James Lane, Alternate Delegate
Bruce A. Dixon
Saturday, July 6th: Memorial Service for Bruce A. Dixon.
Many following social media have heard by now that Bruce Dixon, cochair of the Georgia Green Party, co-chair of the Hawkins 2020 Presidential campaign, a founder and the Managing Editor of Black Agenda Report, husband, father, grandfather, lifelong socialist and mentor to many in the movement for a just peace, died yesterday after a three year long battle with leukemia.
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