Green Party on IPCC Report: US Must Halt Fossil Fuel Emissions, Enact a Green New Deal
The Green Party of the United States said today that world leaders must interpret the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as highlighting the need to immediately halt the burning of fossil fuels.
Read moreGreen Party Candidate for PA Governor says, “I agree, ‘Delay Means Death’”
By Christina “PK” DiGiulio, Green Party candidate for Governor of PA
I was reading some of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, which was released by the United Nations on February 28, and I was alarmed to learn some new estimates of the effects of our refusal to stop using fossil fuels. I felt like I was standing next to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres when he said, “Delay means death.”
Read moreManchin agrees to a Green New Deal to break Climate Budget impasse
Senator Joe Manchin, in a stunning reversal, announced today that he is selling all his holdings in coal companies and wants to replace President Biden’s Build Back Better proposal with a more robust Green New Deal.
“I finally got around to reading the reports from the IPCC and I was stunned to learn how fast climate change is occurring. My ten grandchildren also really opened up my eyes about the need to give their generation a chance for a decent living. It is never too late to admit that you have made a mistake,” said Manchin.
Read moreGreen Party Renews calls for Green New Deal in State Budget
Opposes Halt to Gas Tax or Criminal Justice Reform, Opposes Public Funds for Buffalo Sports Stadium
ALBANY, NY – The Green Party of New York today said that the accelerating climate crisis calls for the state to enact the Green New Deal as part of this year's state budget, with at least $30 billion devoted to the state building out renewables and enactment of an economic bill of rights including universal single payer health care, a guaranteed living wage job and income, universal child care, affordable housing and tuition-free public education from pre-K through college.
Read moreProposal #1077: Earth Day Strike 2022
The Green Party of the United States will co-sponsor the Earth Day Strike 2022 for People, Planet and Peace.
The idea for having an action involving unified local strikes was proposed by Jill Stein following a series of meetings with a group of activists who were involved with GPAX's webinar "Nonviolence in a Violent World: Making a Difference Through Direct Action and Civil Disobedience."
Read moreGreen Party of Pennsylvania publishes “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future”
PHILADELPHIA – On March 19, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) published a new monograph, “Eliminating Fossil Fuel Pipelines So We Have A Healthy Future” by Jocolyn Bowser-Bostic. This publication explores the various environmental problems associated with fossil fuel pipelines and the resulting health consequences.
Read moreGreen Party co-sponsors PA Climate Convergence
PHILADELPHIA – The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) has become a co-sponsor of the PA Climate Convergence. Meeting virtually on March 13, Green Party delegates, elected by their county locals, voted unanimously to co-sponsor the event in Harrisburg, PA, on the weekend on June 11 – June 13.
GPPA Co-chair Beth Scroggin (Chester County) explained, “We support the Climate Convergence because climate change is the most important issue any of us are facing. If we continue to ignore it, none of the other issues we focus on will matter, because we will all cease to exist. The Green Party has always prioritized the environment, and because our candidates do not accept corporate donations, we are not forced to remain silent on the issue or minimize it."
Read moreClimate Hour and the Green Party
Presented by the Climate Council of Greater Kansas City
Join Climate Hour host, Bob Grove, and guests as they explore the Green Party.
Guests include:
Read moreBiden Must Issue Executive Orders on Climate, Halt Fossil Fuels
WASHINGTON, DC — The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States (Green Party US) condemns President Biden’s year of climate negligence and renews the call to pressure the president to declare a climate emergency and issue a comprehensive series of related Executive Orders, as described on
Read moreLeaders must figure out climate solutions now
In the Netflix movie “Don’t Look Up,” politicians chasing dollar signs tell voters to think about “jobs” and ignore all the evidence suggesting impending disaster because of their corporate-friendly decision-making. Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald tells us to not look up at the county’s nation-leading toxic air quality and lung disease rates while referring to clean air advocates as “extremists.”
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