Extinction Rebellion, Grief and Climate Catastrophe
I was attracted to the Extinction Rebellion by its call for net zero carbon emissions by 2025 – more in line what is needed to save life on the planet than what many other groups have been calling for. And the fact that it employs acts of civil disobedience as a main organizing tool and directly challenges the present actions by elected official everywhere as untruthful and grossly inadequate to the task. I attended the action at Rockefeller Center in January. Yesterday more than 60 were arrested in NYC near City Hall and the Brooklyn Bridge while the London CD protests enter their fourth day.
Read moreGreen Solutions for Governor Newsom's Climate Crisis Challenges
San Francisco, CA – The Green Party of California released the following statement today on Green Solutions for Governor Newsom's Climate Crisis Challenges
For Earth Day 2019, the Green Party of California reaffirms its commitment to ecological wisdom and social justice, as two of the four pillars set forth by the Green Party of the United States. The current climate crisis that has brought wildfires and floods to our communities is the result of decades of profit-focused energy and environmental policies by our elected officials. In California, low-income communities and communities of color are most likely to live near refineries, fracking wells, flood-prone and fire-prone areas, leaving them most vulnerable to the catastrophic impact of climate change.
Read moreYoung people demand Climate Change
Yesterday, around the world, young people gathered to demand that their elected leaders take serious action on climate change. "Politicians have known the truth about climate change and they’ve willingly handed over our future to profiteers whose search for quick cash threatens our very existence," wrote Greta Thunberg, one of the organizers for the action. Last month, thousands of scientists signed a letter in support of such climate strikes, writing, "They have every right to be angry about the future that we shall bequeath to them, if proportionate and urgent action is not taken." Clearly, children, students, and young people today understand what our leaders do not - that climate change requires massive action, not grandstanding and piecemeal reform.
Read moreGreen Party members testify at State Senate hearings on climate crisis
New York – Members of the Green Party of New York (GPNY) came out in full force to demand immediate and comprehensive action to address the planetary emergency of climate change at New York State Senate hearings held the week of February 10, 2019. Greens called for the elimination of new fossil fuel infrastructure, particularly the building of new gas pipelines and gas-fired power plants, and moving to a carbon-neutral, 100% clean, renewable energy economy by 2030. They emphasized the need for a just transition for workers and frontline communities most affected by climate change.
Read moreContinued Climate Chaos: The True Cost of Reliance on Fossil Fuels
Why We Must Support a Real Green New Deal Before It's Too Late!
One of the most talked about policy changes currently taking place in Washington, D.C. and here in New Jersey is "The Green New Deal," a plank in the Green Party US and the Green Party of New Jersey (GPNJ's) platform for decades. GPNJ calls on Governor Murphy, state senators and assembly members, local officials and our entire New Jersey Congressional delegation to support a Real Green New Deal with enforcement mechanisms. According to the most recent report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we have only 12 years to prevent a total planetary disaster.
Read moreGreen Party of California Statement On Wildfire Crisis & Climate Disruption
Paradise, CA - The Green Party of California released the following statement today on the current wildfire crisis, and its origins in climate disruption and corporate, for-profit, energy systems and development.
The Green Party of California stands in solidarity with the victims of the Hill, Camp, and Woolsey fires and calls upon the California and U.S. governments to immediately engage all resources and actions necessary to aid the victims of this crisis. We call for the immediate mobilization of all resources to provide emergency field housing, and medical, food, clothing, housing, and sanitation facilities necessary to relieve the suffering of the victims of this horrific and systemic failure. No Evictions of the emergency sites should be contemplated under any circumstances.
Read moreDunlea Joins Rise for Climate Rally in NYC
Calls for 100% Clean Energy by 2030, A Halt to Fossil Fuels, State Carbon Tax, Divestment
(NYC) Mark Dunlea, the Green Party candidate for State Comptroller, joined today in the Rise for Climate rally in NYC as part of the worldwide climate actions on September 8. Dunlea will speak about divestment at the September 8th event at the Governor’s mansion in Albany.
Read moreWhy I am doing climate civil disobedience this Earth Day
On April 23, I will join with hundreds of fellow climate activists at the State Capitol in Albany to tell Governor Cuomo that he needs to walk the talk in taking action to stop climate change.
I am one of many fellow Green Party, 350.org, PAUSE, gas pipeline activists, seniors, students, faith leaders, etc. who have pledged to do civil disobedience at the Capitol.
Read moreA View from the Chute by Charlene Spretnak
Recently I was hurled across the existential divide that separates the millions of people around the world who have experienced a life-threatening extreme weather event from those who have not. In December 2017 unseasonal Santa Ana winds roared off a California desert across two drought-parched counties, not for the usual 48 hours but for more than a week, blowing a brush fire across 440 square miles. It was named the Thomas fire, the largest in California history.
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