Green Party of Utah Condemns the Separation of Families and Demands the Defunding of (ICE)
Salt Lake City, Utah - The Green Party of Utah (GPUT) is denouncing the U.S. Federal Government’s practice of separating children from their immigrant families and is demanding the dismantling of ICE to put an immediate halt on inhumane policies.
The Green Party Platform on Immigration stands firmly for social justice for all those living in this country regardless of their immigration status. Calling for humane policy and laws are consistent with Green Values, and the nation’s values.
Read moreCongressional candidate Angelica Dueñas arrested for protesting repeal of DACA protections
Statement by Ms. Dueñas, Green Party candidate for the U.S. House in California District 29
On December 5th, Green congressional candidate Angelica Dueñas was detained by police, after demonstrating in Senator Dianne Feinstein's Los Angeles office in support of permanent protection for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients.
Read moreGPLAC-endorsed Green Congressional candidate Angelica Dueñas arrested protesting lack of DACA protections
On December 5th, Green congressional candidate Angelica Dueñas was detained by police, after demonstrating in Senator Dianne Feinstein’s Los angeles office in support of permanent protection for DACA recipients. Her statement about DACA and her detention:
The current presidential administration is on the path of destroying millions of people's lives - including by taking away DACA protection from over 800,000 Dreamers, putting them at risk to lose everything that they are working for. Breaking up families and destroying homes. And robbing us all of the rich contributions Dreamers have to offer.
Read moreBlack & Green Wednesday: Defending Immigrants
The Gateway Green Alliance and the Universal African Peoples Organization present this month's Black & Green Wednesday public forum on Defending Immigrants.
Speaking will be Sara John, Interfaith Committee on Latin America; Tia Byrd, Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment; and Jose Alfredo Chavez, Latinos en AxionSTL. Rita Mauchenheimer, Green Party of St. Louis will be the moderator.
Read moreGreen Party condemns President Trump's cancellation of DACA
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States strongly condemns President Trump's cancellation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), urges Congress to override the White House and reinstate the program, and demands humane U.S. policies on the treatment of undocumented immigrants.
Greens said that the president's order, which threatens 800,000 young immigrants with uncertain status and possible deportation, is the culmination of bipartisan disregard for the rights and welfare of undocumented immigrants in recent decades. A statement from the Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of Colorado on President Trump's decision and the role of Democrats follows below.
Read moreDACA crisis inevitable conclusion of Democrat failure
The Latinx Caucus of the Green Party of Colorado expresses solidarity with all young immigrants of every stripe who are now the target of the Trump administration’s decision to cancel the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which was an executive action implemented by the administration of Barack Obama in June 2012.
The United States bears responsibility for the turmoil created in the birth countries of DACA recipients, through policies enacted during both Democratic and Republican administrations, like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), initiated during the George H.W. Bush administration and signed by Bill Clinton in December 1993, before the birth of many current DACA recipients. This policy alone caused intense economic upheaval for Mexico, by flooding Mexico with heavily-subsidized American-grown corn and putting millions out of work. Then, because NAFTA incentivized maquiladoras (factories) along the border that paid less-than-poverty wages and the export of good-paying jobs from American factories, Mexicans were caught in this economic disaster.
Read moreGreen Party of Virginia Denounces Trump's Ending of DACA
RICHMOND, VA – The Green Party of Virginia strongly opposes President Trump's decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, commonly known as "the Dream Act" or DACA. This program protects immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have fully assimilated into our culture and institutions, are gainfully employed, pay taxes, and have committed no crime. These people were brought here by others and should not be punished for it. DACA has shielded hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation to a nation that most do not even know, granting them a status that allows them to work legally in the United States while pursuing citizenship.
Read moreNJ Gubernatorial Candidate Kaper-Dale Accompanies Deportee's Son to Capitol Hill Press Event
WASHINGTON, D.C -- New Jersey Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate Seth Kaper-Dale accompanied 13-year old Joel Massie, the son of a recently deported Indonesian refugee to an America's Voice Father's Day event in Washington, DC on Tuesday. Kaper-Dale and Massie were invited by America's Voice, along with New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Representatives Pallone and Gutierrez to highlight the effects of deportation of migrants.
Kaper-Dale is a pastor who most recently gained national attention when Indonesian community members, who previously took sanctuary in his church for 11-months, were deported by ICE.
Read moreStand for immigrant and workers' rights
I am writing to invite you to join me – and global citizens across the planet – in standing for immigrant and workers' rights this May 1st, International Workers Day.
I encourage you to find and join an action in your community to help show the world that people everywhere are uniting for people, planet and peace over profit!
Read moreMarch and Speakout to Resist Deportations
Boston, MA – We write in solidarity and ask that you join in the resistance movement. This past week has been particularly difficult and challenging with the inauguration of President Trump and the slew of executive orders he has issued. We have seen the North Dakota and the XL Pipelines authorized again, the wall at the U.S. Mexican border ordered, funding denied for sanctuary cities, mortgage relief denied to home owners of modest income, and efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act underway. The impact these actions will have on disenfranchised andmarginalized communities and our environment will be huge.
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