EcoAction Webinar with 2024 Green Party Candidates
The EcoAction and Coordinated Campaign Committees of the Green Party of the United States held a webinar with Green Party candidates on climate and ecological issues on Monday, October 14.
Among the issues to be highlighted by candidates will be an Ecosocialist Green New Deal; fighting fossil fuels, incineration, and nuclear power; Indigenous Rights; promoting the Rights of Nature and biodiversity; zero waste; ending single-use plastics; Making Polluters Pay; sustainable agriculture; environmental justice; and, the right to clean water and air.
Read moreEcoAction: Degrowth Webinar
10th Annual Degrowth Summer School, Barcelona, June 3, 2024
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the U.S. held a webinar on Monday, June 10 about the issue of degrowth. The workshop explored various issues within the degrowth movement, including how to deal with the present level of development in the Global South.
Read moreGreen Party Calls for a Green New Deal, A Rapid Halt to Fossil Fuels at COP28
The Green Party of the United States calls upon the Biden administration to support a rapid phaseout of fossil fuels and a ten-year transition to 100% renewable energy, with zero greenhouse gas emissions, at the COP28 climate summit that runs from November 30 to December 9.
The Green Party, which began calling for a robust ecosocialist Green New Deal in 2010, insists that the U.S. support a just transition for all, and recognizes the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable communities, which requires making climate reparations to the Global South to pay for the climate damage mainly caused by polluters from the industrial north.
Read moreEcoAction Committee webinar on garbage incineration
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the U.S. held a forum on Monday, November 13 about the perils of garbage and waste incineration. The workshop discussed ways to combat incinerators, both existing and new ones
Incineration creates and/or releases harmful chemicals and pollutants, including: Air pollutants such as particulate matter, which cause lung and heart diseases; Heavy metals such as lead and mercury, which cause neurological diseases; Toxic chemicals, such as PFAS and dioxins, which cause cancer and other health problems. In addition to its high costs, government contracts with garbage incinerators often provide a financial disincentive to recycling and waste reduction as the government may be penalized for diverting waste from the incinerator.
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Biden Must Issue Executive Orders on Climate, Halt Fossil Fuels
WASHINGTON, DC — The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States (Green Party US) condemns President Biden’s year of climate negligence and renews the call to pressure the president to declare a climate emergency and issue a comprehensive series of related Executive Orders, as described on
Read moreReal Zero Carbon Emissions vs. Net Zero: The Difference Means Everything
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States held a webinar on why it supports the goal of Real Zero Greenhouse gas Emissions rather than Net Zero on Wednesday, December 15, 2021.
Featured speakers were David Schwartzman and Mike Ewall. David Schwartzman, a member of the DC Statehood Green Party, is a professor emeritus of biology at Howard University and the author of Life, Temperature, and the Earth. David and his older son Peter Schwartzman (Mayor of Galesburg IL, member of the Illinois Green Party) just had their paper published "Can the 1.5 °C warming target be met in a global transition to 100% renewable energy?" Their book website is
Read moreEcological Wisdom begins with Indigenous Wisdom!
The EcoAction Committee of the Green Party of the United States held an online webinar on Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, Oct. 11. Ecological Wisdom begins with Indigenous Wisdom!
Read moreEcoAction for Candidates
On August 24, 2021, the EcoAction Committee of the Green Party hosted a webinar about about ways Green Party candidates can raise ecological issues such as the Green New Deal, clean air and water, public power, sustainability, and more in your elections. Learn about some campaign resources presently available and help identify needs for new ones.
Read moreJune 2021 News from the EcoAction Committee
EcoAction Committee Newsletter
EcoAction Committee on Facebook |
Request for volunteers
The EcoAction Committee helps coordinate efforts by the Green Party in the United States to impact on ecological issues and to assist Green Party electoral candidates in raising such issues. The EcoAction Committee members are appointed by state Green Parties (up to 3 per state) and by national GP caucuses.
Read moreGreen update from the EcoAction Committee
March 9, 2021 – The EcoAction Committee assists Green Party organizing at local, state and national levels around environmental issues, as well as supporting Green candidates. We plan in 2021 to expand our educational and organizing efforts, such as organizing regular web forums. Our next one will be on Saturday, March 27 at 6 PM EST to promote our call for Earth Day to May Day actions. For more info re our work, contact [email protected].
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