Illinois Green Party Sign & Share - Medicare For All Petition
The U.S. spends far more on health care per person than any other country in the world – in fact more than twice as much as the average for other rich countries. We have the best technology and certainly among the finest physicians and other health-care professionals. Yet we are not getting our money’s worth in terms of good health.
With the elections coming up, we need all the support we can get for Medicare for All!
Read moreJustice is Making Healthcare a Human Right
Green Party of New York Co-Chair, Gloria Mattera, addresses M4M4ALL crowd outside NYC City Hall on Saturday, July24, 2021.
Listen to Gloria explain what Health Justice is about and how important it is for Congress to pass H.R. 1976.
Read more#M4M4All – These are so inspiring
Yesterday, Greens across the country joined or co-organized events to support the grassroots #M4M4ALL day of action.
No other national political party matches our commitment to healthcare as a human right. Improved, expanded Medicare-For-All has been in our platform for decades.
Candidates and elected officials in the corporate-dominated parties flirt with supporting Medicare-For-All, then back-peddle once elected, or once it comes up for a legitimate vote.
Read moreGreen Party of New Jersey co-sponsors March For Medicare For All
GPNJ Co-Sponsors national March For Medicare For All #M4M4ALL this Saturday, July 24!
TRENTON, NJ – We hope you are all staying safe while enjoying the summer! We've had a productive July so far with the Green Party US ANM last week, supporting our campaigns as they organize for this fall, the YES-Young EcoSocialists Caucus featured our Lt. Governor Candidate Heather Warburton and our Elections Committee held a meeting with independent candidates running this fall in New Jersey that are considering joining us! We have a few urgent events to alert you all to about with this Saturday's March For Medicare For All which we have co-sponsored! Our next State Meeting is this Sunday and we are hosting our first in person Potluck Picnic for everyone Aug 1!
Read moreMarch for Medicare for All This Saturday!
ROCHESTER, NY – Green Party candidates and advocates have been fighting for single payer health care for decades. And during that time, it's been made clear that those in power have no intention of creating a true, single payer health care system and that is just one of the reasons the Green Party exists and continues to grow around the country.
So please join us this Saturday as the Green Party of Monroe County continues our push for single payer in solidarity with others who see health care as a human right.
Read moreJoin Wisconsin Greens at July 24 March for Medicare for All
MADISON, WI – The Wisconsin Green Party is supporting the March for Medicare for All, a national grassroots coalition that is organizing marches to call for Medicare for All across the country on Saturday, July 24.
With the US leading the world in deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic, it's an outrage that we remain the only wealthy country with a pay-or-die healthcare system. We will march in solidarity with people in 45 cities and counting to demand that politicians respond to the public demand for Medicare for All NOW.
Read morePA Greens to March for Medicare For All
PHILADELPHIA – The Steering Committee of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) is pleased to announce that it has endorsed the #M4M4ALL | Marches which will take place on Saturday, July 24. Many members of the Green Party will participate in this nationwide march to rally for the cause of universal health.
Read moreMedicare for All – Call to Action!
Medicare for All Call to Action: July 24th, 2021
SEATTLE - The Green Party of Washington State is one of the many sponsors of the #M4M4ALL [March for Medicare for All] which takes place in cities and towns all over the country this Saturday, July 24, 2021.
The Green Party of Washington State strongly urges all Green Party members and supporters to get involved!
Read moreMedicare 4 All March - July Newsletter from Texas
HOUSTON – Join Green Party of Texas (GPTX) candidate for Governor, Delilah Barrios, on Saturday July 24th between 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., at the Medicare 4 All March in Austin at 1100 Congress Ave. Help us tell lawmakers that we will not rest until we have a universal, single-payer healthcare system!
As 2022 approaches, GPTX is calling for candidates for ALL ballot positions. We will hold a Prospective Candidate Information event on August 28, so please attend to have your questions answered.
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