Stand for immigrant and workers' rights
I am writing to invite you to join me – and global citizens across the planet – in standing for immigrant and workers' rights this May 1st, International Workers Day.
I encourage you to find and join an action in your community to help show the world that people everywhere are uniting for people, planet and peace over profit!
Read moreMay Day Statement from the Illinois Green Party
May Day is a hugely important holiday where working people celebrate how far we have come and reflect on what labor rights we still have yet to get recognized.
In addition to going to a march or rally today, please consider donating $40 to the Illinois Green Party in honor of the 40 hour work week that was won by working class troublemakers like us a century ago!
Read moreToday is May Day
We join with workers around the world commemorating the martyred Chicago Haymarket workers, killed by police in 1886, while fighting for the 8-hour work-day. Today, we re-commit to mobilize, humbled by the worker-leaders everywhere who have sacrificed themselves to improve people's lives.
As Governor of New Jersey I will continue accompanying our righteous struggles to defend and expand working rights for working people, both documented and undocumented.
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