The Green Party stands in support of our Muslim sisters & brothers
The exploitation of fear fuels Islamophobia and drives reactionary activists to promote propaganda and messaging to keep the narrative alive. A network of bloggers, think tanks and propaganda mills have raised and spent hundreds of millions of dollars since 2001 to propagate misinformation about muslims and Islam.
Islamophobia manifests in this country in the form of:
- police-state surveillance, infiltration and entrapment;
- a Clinton crime-bill statute criminalizing 'material support of terrorism' used to prosecute and incarcerate a volunteer board seeking to send humanitarian relief to the people of occupied Palestine;
- a chilling impact on political discourse to rival COINTELPRO, the Red Scare, the HUAC, the Palmer Raids;
- hate crimes including assaults, murders, mass shootings, graffiti, vandalism and arson targeting mosques and community centers, muslims and those mistaken for muslims;
- the promotion of mis-information and false narratives which justify the dehumanization and the othering of a quarter of our global neighbors and 1-2% of our neighbors here in the United States;
- public fear and public policy shaped by folks whose Arabic vocabulary seems limited to the pejorative misuse of two words expressing key concepts of the Islamic faith: jihad and sharia.
As Green Party candidates and activists, we have a role as an opposition party to educate ourselves and our communities on issues related to Islamophobia, racism, sexism and gender-identity and to prioritize work to support the struggles of the most vulnerable and marginalized in our communities. We must make an active contribution to the work of defending the human rights of our neighbors. We can build enduring alliances by engaging with the political crisis now present in this country.
On this page we will collect resources useful to our work to engage effectively in challenging the Islamophobia we encounter in the world around us.
Green Party Resources
A Briefing Paper for Green Party Activists, published April 15, 2017 (13 pages)
Excerpts from "A Green Party Briefing Paper", published April 15, 2017 (trifold)
Other resources
Kundnani Deconstructs US Anti-Terrorism Policy, video 82 minutes, author of the Muslims are Coming speaks at Charis Books and More, Atlanta Georgia, March 31, 2017.
Madelyn Hoffman challenges Senator Booker to speak out against Trump/Netanyahu ill-advised "Peace" Plan
FLANDERS, NJ – "The so-called Peace Plan announced by Trump/Netanyahu legitimizes the illegal actions of the Israeli government and reinforces the system of apartheid that already existed," said Madelyn Hoffman, the Green Party of New Jersey's candidate for US Senate in 2020. "As if to add an exclamation point, the IDF once again took aim at Gaza and started bombing on 1/29/20."
As ethnic conflict specialist Sheena Anne Arackal's Mondoweiss piece noted in its title, "The 'Deal' of the Century is Apartheid."
Read morePA Green Party Statement in Response to Terror and Violence in Christchurch
The following statement by Green Party of Pennsylvania Co-chair Alan Smith concerns the senseless hate crime committed in Christchurch, NZ, on March 15.
Asalaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you.
The FBI Is Culpable In This Crime!
In Upstate New York a limousine carrying 18 people crashed and killed all 18 plus 2 bystanders. The limousine was driven by a man who did not have a license to drive it. The limousine failed inspections and was not supposed to be on the road. The owner of the limousine company was a man named Shahed "Malik" Hussain.
This man was caught by the FBI several years ago selling fake drivers licenses to people. The FBI told him that this was a felony and that he would go to jail and be deported unless he helped them set up and entrap other Muslims. Malik, his fake FBI name, agreed and charges were dropped.
Read more"Abolish ICE"
Hawkins Denounces Supreme Court decision upholding Muslim Ban
Will Join the NYC Protest on June 30 To Support Immigration, Reunification of Families
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, denounced Tuesday’s 5-4 Supreme Court decision upholding the so-called Muslim Ban “as yet another action of a rogue Supreme Court that puts reactionary political beliefs ahead of the facts and fundamental constitutional rights.”
Read moreGreen Party helps fight Islamophobia: publishes guide for Green candidates and activists
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party's Coordinated Campaign Committee has released a briefing paper titled "Islamophobia: Another Social Construction of Racism". The paper is a guide for use by Green candidates and activists.
"We are very pleased indeed to offer this new tool for Green Party candidates and activists," said Hillary Kane, co-chair of the committee. "We want to help Green Party activists be effective organizers in resistance to the frightening Islamophobic rhetoric and policies coming from the current administration."
Read moreAuthor Visits Atlanta, Deconstructs Domestic Anti-terrorism Policy
Asserts it is based on flawed theories and junk science
Dr. Arun Kundnani, author of "The Muslims Are Coming: Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terror," will read from, discuss and sign his book at Charis Books and More, 1189 Euclid Ave, NE Atlanta, GA 30307. The event begins at 7:30 pm, Friday, March 31st. This event is co-sponsored by the Georgia Green Party, the Council for American Islamic Relations, Georgia and Charis Circle. Dr. Kundnani has just returned from London where he met with activists dealing with the Islamophobic reactions to last week's violent rampage which killed four and injured twenty-nine. He will address the latest developments in Europe and inside the Trump Administration.
Read moreFighting Back and Electing Greens for Five Dollars!
We know that it's been a tough 15 days since Donald Trump was sworn into office.
But for many families and communities across the country and around the world, life was not very good under Obama, or Bush before him or Clinton before him. Do you see a pattern here?
Read moreGreen Party of Texas January Newsletter
Post-Inauguration Events, First Administration Actions
As January comes to a close, we have now seen the first actions of the Trump administration. Millions have sustained consistent waves of protest since the Inauguration to say they do not consent to Trump's inheritance of the imperial presidency, which immediately continued the policy of drone strikes and banned entrants from all the Muslim countries that have been targeted since 9/11. Subservience of energy policy to industry concerns is assured. Clearly, the wheels of empire grind on.
Read moreGreen Party condemns the "Trump Wall of Shame" and other racist executive orders targeting immigrants
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States strongly condemned President Trump's executive orders, announced on Wednesday, imposing severe immigration restrictions, expanding the criminalization and deportation of undocumented immigrants, and authorizing construction of a massive border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.
Greens urged all Americans to reject the "Trump Wall of Shame" and to stand up for the basic rights of documented and undocumented immigrants, racial justice, protected legal status and amnesty for the undocumented, and hospitality for refugees.
Read more