Green Party Condemns Schumer's Vote for Torture-Supporter Pompeo
Albany – The Green Party of New York denounced Senator Schumer's Monday evening vote in favor of Mike Pompeo as CIA Director. Citing Pompeo's own statements that CIA officials who engaged in torture were "patriots" and that he would be open to altering a 2015 law prohibiting the government from using interrogation techniques not listed in the Army Field Manual, his portrayal of the "War on Terror" as a religious conflict between Muslims and Christians, claims that Islamic leaders are potentially complicit in terror because they don't speak against it, and appearances on anti-Muslim radio programs – Green officers questioned why New York's senior senator would vote to confirm Mr. Pompeo.
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The time is now. We are hearing reports of Donald Trump's plans and who he will appoint in his administration. We need to RESIST!
The Trump administration plans to target disenfranchized communities of color and has already called for a mass registration of Muslims. This is absurd.
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