Calling All Progressive Greens
Local leaders are needed for massive community organizing project
WARRENVILLE, IL – Are you ready to be the change? The Illinois Green Party has a massive community organizing project and we need your help! Since the project entails empowering local community groups, lots of leaders are needed. Sign-up to learn more or join a group at
Green Party Series, Livestreams every Monday at 8:00 p.m. CST. The April 12th guest is Peter Schwartzman, mayor-elect of Galesburg, Illinois Green Party member, and 1st Green mayor in Illinois!
Read moreGreen New Deal For Minneapolis
Minneapolis City Council member Cam Gordon hosted a Ward 2 forum Green New Deal For Minneapolis this past week. The event included guest speakers Patrick Hanlon, Timothy DenHerder-Thomas, Alice Madden, Nina Axelson, Isaac Smith, Stacy Miller, and Charles Frempong-Longdon. To watch the forum, please visit Green New Deal For Minneapolis.
Read moreLatest news from the Green Party of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area
No Spray Webinar
"Removing Pesticides From our Public Spaces" will feature a Green Party of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area (GPAMA) panelist relating our effort to end the use of glyphosate on county-administered properties in Bernalillo County. Join this national webinar on Zoom on Thursday, April 8, at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time. Register in advance.
Read moreAction Alert - Testimony needed this week for campaign finance reform
Campaign Finance Reform - PROGRESS but we need your input now!
CORVALLIS, OR – YES! House bill 3343 is getting a lot of traction - it is getting a hearing March 30, 1:00pm - we need to send testimony before the hearing and up to 24 hours after.
HB 3343 is getting a lot of attention but it is an uphill battle: moneyed interests, including unions (yes, they are being a bit shortsighted) want to keep the money flowing to influence elections and legislation.
Read moreSolidarity & Support Alabama Amazon Union
ICE Out of NJ Speak Out!
TRENTON, NJ – We had great support for last month's solidarity event. Tomorrow we will be hosting two events with our YES-Young Eco-Socialists Caucus. First, in solidarity with Alabama Amazon Workers and then only two miles away ICE Out of NJ Speak Out! We as a party have signed onto and support the March 2o "International's Day of Solidarity With Alabama Amazon Workers & Against Union Busting on World Day Against Racism."
Read moreCalls To Action from the Green Party of Santa Clara County
In a recent Gallup poll, a record 62% of US voters said we need a new major party.
Stop HR-1, the Voting Rights Bill That Restricts Voter Choice
HR-1 is sold as a way to get money out of politics and to protect voters, but it contains a poison pill for democracy and opposition parties like the Green Party in its campaign finance reform section. HR1 quintuples the amount of money Green presidential campaigns will be required to raise to qualify for federal matching funds: from $5,000 in each of 20 states to $25,000 per state.
Read moreMarch 2021 news from Pennsylvania
Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.
Choose to Challenge, International Women’s Day, March 8
by Co-chair Beth Scroggin, Green Party of Pennsylvania
Welcome to March, a month during which we celebrate growth and progress! Here in the Northern Hemisphere, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring, when plants and animals emerge from a long, cold winter, reminding us all of our natural resiliency. Additionally, countries around the world (regardless of hemisphere) observe International Women’s Day on March 8, an occasion whose roots extend back over a century, beginning with a declaration of the day from the Socialist Party of America.
Read moreLatest news from New Jersey
GPNJ Solidarity Action, Seth Kaper-Dale Special Conversation & Upcoming Meetings
TRENTON, NJ – The Green Party of New Jersey (GPNJ) now has 11,488 registered Greens as of February 1st! Our coalition work continues this weekend with an urgent action. We also are announcing our next Special Conversation featuring Seth Kaper-Dale and few upcoming state chapter meetings.
Solidarity & Support Alabama Amazon Union
Read moreEcoSocialism, From Theory to Practice
SAN FRANCISCO – The Green Party of California invites you to join us for a discussion on EcoSocialism we are co-hosting with the Green EcoSocialist Network (GEN) and a number of County Green Parties. In this presentation, we discuss how to build EcoSocialist programs in our own communities as our amazing lineup of guest speakers will explore specific programs focused on non-reformists reforms that help implement an EcoSocialist future.
Beginning with a performance by Shamako Noble, a brief recap of the first webinar is followed by a series of discussions; Kali Akuno and David Cobb will discuss Cooperatives, then Mel Figueroa will speak on Traditional Ecological Knowledge, followed by Misty Cross of the Moms4Housing movement and David Bond on Housing and Tenant Unions.
Read moreFebruary 2021 Green Star
Working toward a future where people and planet are valued, and our government represents all of us.
Introducing the New Co-chairs of PA’s Green Party
by Co-chairs Beth Scroggin and Tina Olson
Happy New Year, everyone! We are delighted to have been elected as co-chairs of the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, and hope to build our party in strength and numbers. Now, more than ever, we need to elect Green Party candidates and advocate for Green values at every available opportunity. As the new co-chairs of GPPA, we would like to introduce ourselves to those who don’t already know us.
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