GPWA statewide membership meeting
SEATTLE – The Green Party of Washington will hold a statewide membership meeting on Wednesday, February 3. We will discuss news and happenings with the national Green Party, and give input for upcoming decisions at the national level regarding state affiliation of Green Party chapters in RI and GA.
We will hear updates from our Green Party US committee representatives and our local Green Party chapters.
Read moreNews from Minnesota
Celebrating Black History Month
MINNEAPOLIS – African Americans have contributed to America for over 400 years and this month we celebrate those contributions and the legacy of Black Americans in the United States. The Minnesota Green anti-racist leaders have been busy in the fight for racial justice. Green Party activist Trahern Crews worked closely with city councilwoman Jane Prince on working on and passing bipartisan resolution the Saint Paul Recovery Act which will set up a commission to study reparations at the city level in Saint Paul City Council passes Reparations ordinance
Read morePlatform for Human Dignity
HOUSTON – What is a political party if not its platform? The 2021 Texas Green Party (GPTX) Annual State Meeting is the next opportunity to update our state party platform. This is distinct from the national party platform, and to some degree reconciliation may be desirable.
In essence, the Green platform is a Platform for Human Dignity, in this case as curated by the consensus of the Green Party of Texas in the two decades since our inception. We recognize the 10 key values of the Green movement as the basis for our decision-making.
Read moreNews from Albuquerque
ALBUQUERQUE, NM – Here is the January 2021 news from the Green Party of the Albuquerque Metropolitan Area.
Please choose and rank items you would like to see GPAMA direct its efforts in 2021. We plan to focus on the top-three items from the vote results. Thank you for your input.
We anticipate our monthly meeting to move from the second Thursday to the third Wednesday. It is not clear when this will take effect. Please check the web site for the latest news on this.
Organizing efforts continue in Illinois
Updates on January 25th Events
CHICAGO – Massive change requires massive organizing. Massive organizing requires big resources. The big donors from the corporations and the 1% will never support the changes the Illinois Green Party is fighting for.
Give what you can and keep working, learning, teaching and building whenever and wherever you can to make the world we want, need, and deserve.
Read moreLooking Ahead to 2021
As we close out 2020, we may feel tired of the struggle, but we can't give up. It is crucial that we maintain our ballot line as an alternative for progressive candidates and a pressure point on the status quo.
In 2021, the Green Party of Texas (GPTX) must focus on recruiting candidates for the 2022 general election. We have collected relevant information for prospective candidates on our website: You can help by referring good prospective leaders you may encounter in your community to this information resource & emphasizing the value of not being screened out in a competitive primary. Once an individual files to run for office, GPTX can post a profile & give guidance about the convention process.
Read moreDecember 2020 news from Utah
Election News
Congratulations to Michael Cundick, 2020 Salt Lake County Mayor Candidate, for making history in the Green Party of Utah (GPUT)! Michael earned the votes of 17,622 Salt Lake County voters, representing 3.34% of the county-wide vote.
Read moreLatest News from the North Carolina Green Party
Thank You to H20 Volunteers, Resist Raytheon in Buncombe, What's Next for NCGP Ballot Access, The Dems' SCOTUS Sham, Building a Mass Party Now and for the Future
The North Carolina Green Party has several updates for you this month: an Election Day roundup, what's next for Green Party ballot access, how to build the party we need for the future, and a call to resist the new expansion of Raytheon into Buncombe County.
Read moreNovember newsletter – post-election edition
Thank you to all who voted Green in 2020, making a clear demand for the changes we need. While the scenery of the political theater changes, the circumstances of people's lives remain precarious. The climate catastrophe continues whether we prepare for it or not, and the empire continues its short-sighted pursuit of safeguarding the status quo.
The Green Party of Texas (GPTX) retains ballot access through 2026. By holding the door open for progressive candidates to access the ballot without competing in a crowded Democratic primary, Greens serve as a pressure point to force issues into the public debate, and a very real threat that if progressive voices are continually denied they will go elsewhere.
Read moreNovember newsletter: Updates and Kevin Zeese Memorial Service
Pro-democracy movement in the streets
Baltimore Green Party members came out to a demonstration across Northern Parkway on November 4 to demand that all votes be counted. In the photo are Erica Harts'horn and Bill Barry, who were also joined by Cynthia Marshall, at the corner of Northern Parkway and York Road. There were demonstrators at every major intersection in Baltimore after a press conference at a church in Pimlico. Post-election, Green Party members across the country are rallying to protect the democratic right to vote and have every vote be counted, and remain involved in many local political activities and community organizing at this crucial time in our city and country.
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