Green Party proposes fix for latest campaign finance commission flip-flop
ALBANY, NY, October 24, 2019 — Green Party officers said the Campaign Finance Commission's latest about-face on whether to allow out-of-district donations to count towards a proposed public matching funds system highlights the flawed nature of public matching funds.
The party instead proposed the Commission enact the "Clean Money, Clean Elections" grants-based system that exists in Arizona and Maine. Party leaders said the system was easier and fairer, and would solve the debate over in-district or out-of-district matches.
Read moreGreen Party On Public Campaign Financing Commission Meeting: "Pivotal Moment" for New York Politics
NEW YORK, Aug 21, 2019 — The Green Party of New York (GPNY) said today's meeting of the Public Campaign Financing Commission, empaneled by the Governor and Legislature, has the opportunity to propose urgently-needed reforms to broaden and strengthen democracy in New York. GPNY officers stated they "support a system of full public campaign financing, broader than had been proposed by the Governor," and the "banning of fusion." Party officers also promised their members will express support of these reforms to the commission.
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