Green-Rainbow Party Convention 2017
Building the Party and Expanding the Green-Rainbow Tent
Our theme this year, Building the Party and Expanding the Green-Rainbow Tent, accentuates the need for us to continue building our party in the face of today's reality of a broken political system in America. Rosa Clemente spoke in 2008 of the Green Party as no longer the alternative, but the imperative, for us to live with social justice, freedom, and democracy. Her words were true in 2008 and still ring true today.
We are Extremely Happy announce that our Keynote speaker will be Jacqueline Patterson, the Director of the NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Program.
Read moreConnecticut Greens to hold state meeting
The Green Party of Connecticut will hold it's annual state meeting on Sunday, April 30th.
The meeting will take place at the Waverly Center in Portland, CT between 11:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Read more2017 New Jersey State Green Party Convention
Join the Green Party of New Jersey for our annual statewide convention! Breakfast & Lunch will be provided both days (gluten-free, vegan options).
The convention will take place at Mara's Continental Cuisine located at 3602 RT-35, South Amboy.
Read moreIllinois Green Party 2017 Annual Membership Meeting
The Best Political Party on the Planet is taking care of business, talking about current issues, planning strategy, and socializing. Please join us for the Illinois Green Party 2017 Annual Membership Meeting.
Oak Park Public Library
Main Library, Veterans Room, 2nd floor
834 Lake St, Oak Park, IL 60301
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Green Party Of Michigan State Membership Meeting
The Green Party of Michigan will hold it's membership meeting on March 25th & 26th in Kalamazoo.
Read moreGreen Party of Washington Spring Gathering
The Green Party of Washington State will hold our Spring Membership Gathering on Saturday April 8th from 12 noon - 5 PM. We will be meeting at Razzi's Pizzeria on Greenwood Ave North in Seattle.
Agenda will include candidate endorsements, campaign support training, bylaw amendments, nomination of new coordinating council representatives and GPUS delegates, and more!
Maine Greens 2017 Convention
SAVE THE DATE! Our 2017 MGIP Annual Convention that will be held on Sunday, May 21st at Viles Arboretum, 153 Hospital Street, Augusta.
Registration will begin at 9:00AM and we will say farewell at 5:00 PM. A $20 registration fee is recommended, but no one will be turned away. We'll be sharing a potluck lunch, so please bring your favorite salads, appetizers or desserts!
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