Missouri, Don't Embrace Fascism. Vote Green
On Friday November 2nd, Democrat Claire McCaskill's campaign manager contacted Jo Crain, the Missouri Green Party candidate for US Senate, to ask her to concede to help McCaskill beat Republican Josh Hawley. Jo courageously declined and pointed out in her video response that she is the only progressive option in the 5-way US Senate race. The Democrats do not own your votes!
Read moreVote Green November 6th in Wisconsin
Election Day is almost upon us, and we encourage you to vote if you have not done so already. Thankfully, the Wisconsin Green Party has some great candidates carrying our Green message with them on the campaign trail, and if you haven’t been acquainted with them, please meet our candidates:
Read moreWe knocked Early Voting out of the Park! Now let's Vote Tuesday & Vote Green!
This is the last email you'll get from us before election day, so please read carefully to find out how you can volunteer and help us in these final days!
We are so proud to be at the top of the ticket for this record-setting year. The Green Party is running more candidates than ever in this year's election. We're stronger than ever before here in Maryland and it's showing! Just check out this article and photo from the Washington Post.
Read moreHelping to boost the Green Vote
Former Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein is barnstorming through Ohio, Michigan and New York this week in support of local Green Party candidates.
Stein has events scheduled with Green gubernatorial candidates, Constance Gadell-Newton in Ohio, Jennifer Kurland in Michigan and Howie Hawkins in New York. Numerous other Green candidates will also be speaking.
Read moreWant Progressive Government in Maryland? Vote Green Party Up and Down the Ballot
The Goucher poll gives Gov. Larry Hogan (R) a 22 percent lead over Democrat Ben Jealous. This dismal result expands by 6 percent Hogan’s lead from an Aug. 14 Gonzalez poll, which had him ahead 52 percent to 36 percent.
If Jealous is able to cut Hogan's lead in half he will still lose by a landslide. Without a major surprise it is hard to see Jealous doing better than shrinking his loss to a landslide from a complete blowout.
Read moreNY Times: Planet is Doomed; The Solution: Vote Green
(Albany) Howie Hawkins kicked off his general election campaign by appealing to progressives who voted for Nixon, Williams, and Teachout in the recent primary. He called on them to support the Green gubernatorial ticket of Hawkins and Jia Lee, as well as Michael Sussman for Attorney General and Mark Dunlea for Comptroller. Hawkins pointed out that the Green candidates are veteran activists of progressive movements, and are the most qualified for their offices.
“The Green general election ticket is Plan B after the primaries for progressive voters,” Hawkins said.
Read moreReminder to VOTE GREEN in tomorrow's Elections
The Green Party of Santa Clara County reminds you to VOTE GREEN in tomorrow's primary.
Not registered to vote? You can still go to your County Elections Office to register and vote conditionally until June 5th! You ballots will be processed once the county elections office has completed the voter registration verification process. Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters, 1555 Berger Drive, Building 2, San José. Learn more HERE.
Read moreParty on Tuesday after voting Green!
What is your plan for this coming Tuesday, November 7th?
Today you should call your local Board of Elections to confirm your polling location and then mark it on your calendar with what time you will vote Green Party on Tuesday. The polls are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Read moreVote Green this Tuesday, April 4th!
From McHenry County to Jackson County, Illinois Greens are running solid, competitive campaigns for local office. Don’t forget to vote for these candidates on April 4th! And if you can help out during the final push this weekend, please contact the campaigns as indicated below.
Read moreDC Statehood Green Party calls for Electoral College vote proportional to popular vote, citing the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The DC Statehood Green Party is calling on Electoral College members in eleven states to assert their constitutional mandate by proportionally allocating their electoral votes for president.
Statehood Greens cited the Malapportionment Penalty Clause of the second section of the 14th Amendment pursuant Title Two Section Six of the United States Code (2 U.S.C.§6) in their appeal to electors in the eleven states who are pledged to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson.
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