Why Blacks Must Abandon The Democratic Party and Vote Green
With just one day, literally away from one of the most portentous presidential elections since 1964, the similarities eerie, African-Americans must be willing to take a leap of faith and shift from the Democratic Party to the Green Party and vote for presidential candidate Jill Stein and her running mate Ajamu Baraka. We have been in this abusive relationship far too long, that has taken our votes for granted, has not benefitted us and continues to posture itself as our one and only savior from the scary alternative—the right wing Republican Party. Yet, after all of these years, policy-wise, it has failed miserably.
In 1964 when President Lyndon Johnson was facing Republican Barry Goldwater, an open racist and repugnant, much like Trump, Malcolm forewarned Blacks, who like many in the Black community today, to not be fooled by the fear mongering. He stated “The shrewd capitalists, the shrewd imperialists, knew that the only way people would run towards the fox [Johnson] would be if you showed them the wolf [Goldwater].” Do we not find ourselves facing this very same dillema today? Before I go any further, because I can already imagine the looks on your faces and what you must be thinking. Is she advocating that Black people vote for Donald Trump? Absolutely, emphatically NOT!
Read moreThe Green Party will keep the Political Revolution going beyond 2016.
It's GOTV time! Make sure all your friends, family, neighbors, and others who've expressed support for Green candidates get to the polls and vote Green. Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka won't get 5% or more without that last-minute push.
Know your Green candidates in the 2016 election!
Work the polls! Green candidates for national, state, and local office need help on Election Day, especially volunteers to hand out flyer near voting sites.
Follow Election Day results here
Hold an Election Night "Victory Party"! Celebrate with Green Party candidates, members, campaign volunteers, and supporters.
Read the Stein/Baraka Campaign's "Final Stretch" page
Regardless of who wins on Election Day, the Green Party will keep the Political Revolution going beyond 2016. As 2008 Green vice-presidential nominee Rosa Clemente said, the Green Party is an imperative for the 21st century. Start thinking about the coming years. Get involved in your state Green Party.
Hold a post-election party to welcome new Green Party members and show appreciation for Green candidates and others who worked hard in 2016 to build the party.
Do you want to run for public office? Do you know someone who might want to run for office as a Green? Begin planning for the 2017 and 2018 elections. Contact your state and local Green Parties.
Get involved in your community. Let Green voices be heard everywhere. From rent control to the fight against privatization of public schools to Black Lives Matter to protests against pipelines and fracking, people across the U.S. are fighting for a better world. Join them!
Are you under 35? Join the Youth Caucus! The Green Party has various caucuses: Latinx Caucus, Lavender Greens (for LGBT*QIA+ party members), Black Caucus, National Women's Caucus, Youth Caucus. Read about and contact them.
The Green Party can't keep going without your help
Please contribute to the party.
Volunteer to help build our party for 2017 & beyond
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Green Party of the United States
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Green Party seeks 5% of vote
Maine Green Independent Party (MGIP) leaders are urging their fellow citizens to realize that a vote for presidential Green Party candidate Jill Stein in November has powerful implications for the 2020 election.
Stein's poll numbers are rising, and if she wins at least 5% of the popular vote, the Federal Election Commission must classify the Green Party as an official "minor party." This designation will result in approximately $10 million in federal funding for the Green Party's presidential candidate in 2020.
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