Joint Release, Libertarian & Green Parties regarding SB 300
PHILADELPHIA – Joint Press Release: The Pennsylvania Libertarian and Green Parties agree that SB 300, which will disenfranchise nearly a half million voters, must be struck down!
The idea of "open primaries" sounds awesome, but the language in the open primary bill (SB 300) is anything but that, redefining an unenrolled elector to be: "A person who is registered to vote within an election district having selected "NONE" or "NO AFFILIATION" in regard to a political party"
HR 1 Cuts Green Party Campaign Funding, Sics Homeland Security and Political Police on the Left
HR 1 is the premiere legislative initiative of Democrats in the 116th Congress. It contains 571 pages of proposals and findings and such, but only two of HR 1’s dozens of provisions have a reasonable chance of passing the House and obtaining the bipartisan support in the Senate needed to become law.
Read moreHouse Democrats’ HR 1 – Faking the Funk on Voting Rights, Spreading Fear and Gunning For the Greens in 2020
It’s a new year, and Democrats running the House of Representatives under Nancy Pelosi, Jim Clyburn and Steny Hoyer need to rebrand themselves and prepare for the 2020 elections. So they’ve rolled out what they and their corporate media hacks are calling their flagship bill, HR 1, a 571 page monstrosity with dozens of empty promises they wouldn’t keep even if they could, along with a couple of serious threats against left dissenters in general and the Green Party in partucular that they just might. It’s not on the official House web site yet, but we read the version on the web site of its sponsor, congressman John Sarbanes of Maryland.
Read moreDefend Democracy from corporate Democrats!
Last year a Montana Democratic Party spokesperson told the media “The Montana Democratic Party welcomes all voices to participate in the Democratic process -- unlike the Montana GOP, which... has a record of trying to remove third-party candidates from the ballot.”
So when the Montana Green Party turned in enough signatures to qualify for the ballot this year, what do you think the Democrats did?
Read moreMontana Green Party Seeks Emergency Injunctive Relief In Federal Court
(Helena, Mt) On Monday the Montana Green Party (MGP), and 8 of its supporters, filed suit in Federal District Court. The case, which names the Montana Secretary of State, Corey Stapleton, as the defendant, asks the court to grant an immediate and permanent injunction on the enforcement of MCA, § 13-10-601(2)(a), (b), (c), and (d), as these statutes impose an unconstitutional burden on the MGP and its supporters by violating the first and fourteenth amendments to the United States Constitution.
The initial complaint declares that "the Plaintiffs will be denied their rights to actively engage in the exercise of their free speech, right to political association, right to form a political party, seek redress of grievances, cast an effective vote, and equal protection and due process of the laws of the State of Montana and the United States of America."
Read moreGreens condemn Judge's decision that removes the Montana Green Party from the November ballot
The Green Party of the United States strongly disagrees with the decision by Judge James P. Reynolds to remove the Montana Green Party from the November ballot. In his decision, Judge Reynolds sided with the Montana Democratic Party which had filed an emergency injunction in April, challenging some of the petition signatures.
Montana Green Party spokesperson Danielle Breck stated "He (Judge Reynolds) managed to throw out exactly enough (signatures) to get us off the ballot".
Read moreMontana Democrats kill democracy
Greetings Green folks,
Bad news from the court today. The Judge granted the Democrats their emergency injunction to remove us from the ballot. From here we have to either live with this decision or appeal; however our lawyer does not feel like he can afford to continue the process pro bono. So, we need to determine what is our best way to move forward.
Dani Breck
'Scared': Montana Democrats sue to stop Green Party from spoiling Tester's re-election
Sen. Jon Tester of Montana was already facing a tough re-election battle in a state that Donald Trump won by a landslide — and then the Green Party made the Democrat’s job that much tougher by qualifying for the ballot.
Now the Montana Democratic Party is scrambling to oust the Greens. It has asked a judge to decertify the left-wing party by declaring 180 petition signatures invalid for reasons such as bad handwriting, use of initials instead of full names and failure to write in cursive.
Read moreChallenging Democratic Party Corruption in Pennsylvania's District 197
In 2017, Cheri Honkala was the Green Party’s candidate for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in Philadelphia’s District 197. Ann Garrison spoke to her about what happened.
Ann Garrison: Cheri, tell us about the state office race that you were told you had lost.
Cheri Honkala: it was a special election last year for a representative to the Pennsylvania State House. On the night of the election there were literally hundreds of calls to our campaign headquarters and the district attorney's office about election fraud. And I'm sorry to report that the same political machine that was responsible is alive and well today.
Read moreMontana Dems' Lawsuit Against Green Party Back In Court Thursday
The court case brought by Democrats challenging the Green Party’s access to the 2018 election ballot in Montana will resume this Thursday under review of a new judge.
Democrats allege Montana’s Republican Secretary of State erred in certifying the Green Party for the ballot.
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