New York Worst In The Nation For Voter Choice, Says Green Party
10/18/24 - New York is the worst state in the nation for voter choice at a time when growing numbers of citizens are dissatisfied with the Democratic and Republican party’s candidates, according to Green Party of New York officials.
Party leaders pointed out that New York is the only state in the nation to have just two presidential candidates on the ballot, and that in the last 40 years this has happened in only one other state, Oklahoma. Oklahoma has since eased its ballot access laws in 2012 to allow for multiple presidential candidates.
Read moreGreen Party candidate Jill Stein praises Maine voting system as means to oppose genocide
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein said the days of voting against one’s conscience are numbered because states like Maine are adopting ranked choice voting.
“If you also want to cast a lesser evil vote — if you can figure out who the lesser evil is — you can have whatever kind of vote you want,” Stein said, “but just ensure that your number one vote is to stop genocide.”
Read more‘It Smells Like a Rat’: The Nasty Feud That Could Flip Wisconsin
MADISON, Wisconsin — On an oppressively hot August day in downtown Madison, the signs of this famously liberal city’s progressive activism are everywhere. Buildings are draped in pride flags and Black Lives Matter signs are prominently displayed on storefronts. A musty bookstore advertises revolutionary titles and newspaper clippings of rallies against Donald Trump. A fancy restaurant features a graphic of a raised Black fist in its window, with chalk outside on the sidewalk reading “solidarity forever.”
Read moreDemocrats move to block third parties from the ballot
The heart of the Democrats’ campaign for president this year is their full-throated attack on Donald Trump as a dictatorial ultrarightist. The Washington Post headlined Catherine Rampell’s Sept. 24 column, “Don’t scoff at the Hitler comparisons. Trump’s rhetoric is that bad.” Democrats claim no less than “democracy is on the ballot” in 2024.
Read moreCitizens Clean Elections Commission is suppressing the voice of the Green Party
AZCCEC is attacking the #democraticrights of all Arizona citizens and perpetrating #ElectionInterference.
Let Eduardo debate on October 9th!
What part of the rules for candidate debates from Citizens Clean Elections Commission (AZCCEC) specifies this phony, arbitrary and fraudulent 1% rule which the commission made up in January then promptly filed away only to be discovered by the media recently?
Where is the AMA granted the authority to decide who can and cannot be on the debate stage?
Read moreAn outrageous attack on democracy
With nothing more than a swipe of a pen in a single sentence, The Supreme Court of the United States has allowed the Nevada Supreme Court to deny a real choice to millions of voters in Nevada.
We submitted over 29,000 signatures in Nevada, almost three times the required threshold for ballot access. Hard working petitioners braved the sweltering heat to collect signatures of voters who want more democratic choices on the ballot. But after all this hard work, in swooped the anti-Democratic Party with one of their many lawsuits to kick us off the ballot.
Presidential Write-In Campaign Announcement
First, our sincere thanks to all of you who helped with petitioning, whether it was out in the street collecting signatures, spreading the word on social media or sending in a donation. The Green Party of New York (GPNY) accepted the challenge of collecting 45,000 valid signatures, which meant at least 25,000 over that, to place Jill Stein on the ballot for the Green Party. We were not going to be defeated just because Cuomo and the Democratic majority State Legislature stole our ballot line by passing a change in the election law under the cover of the pandemic.
Read moreDid You See This Ballot Access News?
Yesterday we sent out some exciting ballot access updates that we wanted to make sure you didn't miss.
First, we got the news that we WILL be on the ballot in Georgia. The Secretary of State wrote a letter confirming that we qualified - we beat another of the anti-democratic party’s attempts to kick Jill and Butch off the ballot!!
Read moreIs Democracy on the ballot? Third-party suppression a problem
The Democratic Party often rightfully condemns Republicans for suppressing votes at the ballot box, but they are guilty of suppressing voters’ choices by filing frivolous lawsuits to prevent independent and third-party candidates from being on the ballot.
“The single biggest threat that helps put Trump back in the White House is third-party candidates …” said Joe Trippi in an NBC News report. The Party accurately accuses Trump of being an existential threat to our “democracy,” but it is too.
Read moreJill Stein Slams Nevada Supreme Court After Green Party Suffers Big Blow In Ballot Battle
Carson City, Nevada - The Nevada State Supreme Court has ruled to bar Dr. Jill Stein and the Green Party from the ballot in 2024.
In their 5-2 decision, justices ruled that the Green Party should not appear on November ballots because the petition forms they used did not include a line for signatories to attest that they are registered voters in their county of residence.
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