Climate Change is Real

Hello, my name is Neal Gale, speaking to you on behalf of the Pennsylvania Green Party. Thank you for taking just a few minutes to hear what I have to say in response to the President's State of the Union address. I believe it is vitally important to counter the President's position on many issues, but I am going to focus on just one, climate change and our national response to it. Continue reading

The Future of the Green Party

I'm Alex Shantz. A young Green, age 29, former St. Helena school board member, past co-chair for the Green Party of California, and current acting co-chair for the Napa County Green Party. I want to discuss two ideas, anti-capitalism, why it's important, and local electoral insurrection. Continue reading

Behind Trump's rollback of protections for working people and the environmen

Commentary on the Trump administration by Bill Kreml. Prof. William P. Kreml received his B. A. degree from Northwestern University, his law degree from Northwestern University Law School, and his Ph. D. in political science from Indiana University, where he studied with Nobel Prize winning Professor Elinor Ostrom. He is the author of nine books on American Government, Constitutional Law, and Political Theory. Kreml spent the burden of his career as a political science professor at The University of South Carolina. He is the creator of an original political philosophy known as The Natural Left. Continue reading

Cheri Honkala interviewed by Edgardo Gonzalez

Cheri Honkala and Edgardo Gonzalez discussing Democratic Party corruption surrounding Cheri's recent special election campaign for Pennsylvania State Representative.  Continue reading

Green Party of New York response

Green Party of New York State of the State address by co-chairs Peter LaVenia & Gloria Mattera along with Howie Hawkins, the 2010 & 2014 gubernatorial candidate. Topics discussed include Universal Healthcare, Fighting Climate Change, Mass Transit, Progressive Public Finance, Ban on Single-Use Plastic Bags, and Public Campaign Finance Continue reading

Chris Blankenhorn on Health Insurance

Hello everyone, my name is Chris Blankenhorn and I am a Green Party of the United States National Co-Chair, a Vice Chair of the Illinois Green Party, and a memmber and organizer with the Youth Caucus. If you are like me, you’ve been getting emails, phone calls, and text messages on a daily basis from the Healthcare Marketplace reminding you that the deadline for Open Enrollment is fast approaching. This has become an all too familiar and depressing yearly chorus. In the fall you recieved a letter that your premiums premiums may go up. Then you recieve a letter about the new plan my your insurer wants to auto-enroll you in. This plan is seemingly guaranteed to be more expensive and provides less benefits. If you are like me, you recieved the same letter from your insurer last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. Every year it’s the same story. You’re premiums are skyrocketing and Benefits crashing. Continue reading

Miko Peled on Jerusalem

Miko Peled is a human rights activist, writer and speaker born in Jerusalem. He is the author of "The General's Son, Journey of an Israeli in Palestine," and an upcoming book, "Injustice, The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five." Peled currently lives in Washington, DC and is a member of the DC Statehood Green Party.  Continue reading

Ann Link on Taxes

Hi, I’m Ann Link, delegate to the Green Party National Committee from the National Women’s Caucus, with some important information about the Republican tax bill moving through Congress. Details are still being negotiated, but the news for individual taxpayers is mixed. The standard deduction will be increased from $6,000 to $12,000, giving some taxpayers a tax break, while others will pay more taxes because of a decrease in mortgage interest and state and local tax deductions. Continue reading

Joy Davis on taxes and elections

Hello everyone. My name is Joy Davis. I am one of the Green Party’s National Outreach Committee Co-Chairs as well as one of the Co-Chairs of the National Women’s Caucus.  I am here to talk to you about the Senate and the House versions of the GOP Tax Reform bills and what it could mean for you. Continue reading

on Sexual Assault and Harassment

Commentary by Joy Davis of the National Women's Caucus of the Green Party of the United States I'm here to talk about what has been happening in the media in regards to all of the sexual assault and harassment allegations stemming from Hollywood to the Oval office. When high-profile Hollywood actresses began to accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault that sparked a movement across social media. Continue reading