These Volunteer Positions are important, specific roles that the Green Party is looking to fill with people who have certain skill sets or experience as well as a desire to get more directly involved with the party at various levels.
Read below for more information about the available positions and how to apply to be part of the team.
Please ensure that you have already signed up on our main Volunteer Page.
Listed below in these groups of relative priority:
Contact De-Duplicator(s)
Online Activist Coordinator(s)
Social Media Content Drafter
Volunteer Response Lead
Events Map Coordinator
Grassroots Content Collector(s)
Graphic Design Lead
Thanks for making an valuable contribution to the Green Party in these ways that will have positive impact on the entire party.
Job: Contact De-Duplicator(s)
PURPOSE: In order to increase fundraising, GPUS FunComm has acquired the information of all registered Greens nationwide for the first time ever (well, almost...a few states we are still waiting on the list to arrive).
We look towards appending that information with phone and email information to contact them for get involved, donate, and generally grow the party.
However, do not want to pay for information that we already have nor pay for two entries of the same person in our database. Also, it's best practice to generally keep your list of contacts 'clean' and free of repetition.
ROLE: You will sign a legal confidentiality agreement and be given access to a small segment of our national database. The database already suggests contact entries that may be duplicates. You will review their name/city/email/etc and make a judgment whether it is the same person. If so, you'll merge them!
VIBE: Do this when you want. While you're half-watching TV or listening to music. Five hours weekly appreciated. More would be great. (This is for the most part a one-time need. Once we get through this large batch of duplicates, there will be only occasional need to do this in the future).
PEOPLE: You will be trained and setup by GP Staffer Starlene Rankin. You'll also work with FundCom Co-Chair Tamar Byczek Yager. We will also try to put you in touch with the other Contact De-Duplicators (We hope to have 5-10 people total) so you can also help answer each other’s questions in tricky instances.
IF INTERESTED: Please email Starlene at [email protected].
Job: Online Activist Coordinator(s)
PURPOSE: While our local chapters take the lead for on-the-ground actions, the national party has thousands of volunteers who wish to make an impact as they can online. We have a software called DoGooder that allows for online petitions as well as grassroots campaigns to either email or call influencers of any variety -- legislators, executives, local officials.
ROLE: You will explore potential actions that the national party could lift up online -- balancing current topics with ongoing platform priorities. You'll vary between national and state/local topics and the various kinds of online actions (petition/email/call). And then draft the short text of the actions. In time, you will learn how to setup the back-end of the actions, too.
VIBE: Find several potential topics (keeping an ongoing list). Setup at least one action a week. This will like take 1-3 hours, depending on how closely you already follow politics and how quick you are at drafting wording. You may also have to try to track down contact information for the influencers who are being targeted.
PEOPLE: You will work with some of our national co-chairs, who will help confirm what topic(s) are appropriate for that week. You'll pass the information off then to Web Manager David Doonan to setup the technical back-end.
IF INTERESTED: Please email [email protected] describing your relevant experience.
Job: Social Media Content Drafter
PURPOSE: We have a Media Committee / Social Media Team that handles responding to current events. However, we currently have no central coverage of the basic posts that need to happen regularly -- fundraising, volunteer, platform highlights, etc.
ROLE: Each week, you will craft variations on core content that needs to go out regularly on Twitter (and, to a lesser degree, on Facebook) and put them into Hootsuite, social media management software.
VIBE: Pick a day of the week that works for you. That will be your deadline. Create the needed content before that day each week. Likely this will take 2-3 hours but it could take as little as 30 minutes for those who work quickly.
PEOPLE: You will work with Social Media Leads Justin McCarthy and Brandon Long as well as national co-chair Michael Dennis. They will give you feedback on the content to help you grow to learn the Green Party messaging and social media strategy.
IF INTERESTED: Please email [email protected] with your professional social media experience.
Job: Volunteer Response Lead
PURPOSE: We have people signing up to volunteer with the Green Party everyday primarily through They indicate a variety of specific ways they would like to help, and we want to respond to them with that custom information to ensure they get involved while their enthusiasm is still piqued.
ROLE: You will have limited access to our party's Helpdesk software, FreshDesk, where you will use a variety of canned responses to respond to each person who fills out the volunteer form. As you are able you will also work on a backlog of volunteers who need those more tailored responses from late 2017 and early 2018.
VIBE: Check Freshdesk every other day at a time of your choosing so we are responding within 48 hours. Then work an hour or two as you are able on the backlog until it is complete.
PEOPLE: You will work with Green Party staffers Starlene Rankin and David Doonan, who both assist with aspects of party volunteer coordination.
IF INTERESTED: Please email [email protected] with a short statement of interest. Indicate any technical and customer service experience that you have.
Job: Events Map Coordinator
PURPOSE: We are looking towards improving communication between locals/states and national. Our local chapters are doing important things in their community every week. Unfortunately, that news doesn't always make it to national. Therefore, we hope to encourage locals to report their events on an Event Map. The national website has a much larger audience and can thus easily direct more -- and new -- people directly to local events nationwide.
ROLE: You will approve user-submitted events on the back-end of the website to ensue they are legitimate, local, state, or candidate events. As the calendar is getting goin, you will also search state/local websites and social media and manually enter in any Green events that you see.
VIBE: Approve events every 2-3 days. This may take 15-30 minutes two or three times a week. You may get even quicker at it. At the start, you'll put in a few hours trying to find Green events to add to the calendar. If the event map picks up, we will find other persons to join the team.
PEOPLE: You will work with Green Party Web Manager David Doonan, who manages our current calendar.
IF INTERESTED: Please email a brief statement of interest to [email protected].
Job: Grassroots Content Collector(s)
PURPOSE: Our local chapters are out in their communities on a weekly basis fighting for a Green future. We hope to signal boost this content, but locals often don't have a spare second to send those details to national. We are hoping to have a few dedicated persons to seek out this content so national can share it with our audience of hundreds of thousands.
ROLE: You will check state party newsletters and social media pages to see interesting Green-related stories, actions, and pictures happening around the country. You'll deposit this information in a centralized location for our Green Party staff to repurpose and boost.
VIBE: A few hours a week. Cycling through the various states and locals and checking for anything interesting. Self-paced and when you'd like as long as it is happening regularly.
PEOPLE: You will work with Green Party staffers as well as possible overlap with the Media, Fundraising, and Outreach Committees.
IF INTERESTED: Please email a brief statement of interest to [email protected].
Job: Graphic Designer Lead
PURPOSE: Our current website is lacking graphics for key sections. Our general and topical pamphlets need updated. These two things are key outreach materials for people that are interested in the party and need to be fresh and engaging.
ROLE: You will work on making banner graphics for our key webpages, graphics on some of our key platform issues, and work with the Outreach Committee on putting together new materials that states/locals will print off and use for local outreach.
VIBE: We hope for someone who can make at least a 4 month commitment of donating 3-4 hours of their time each week. While there's no deadlines, per se, you'll touch base on your progress at least once a week for feedback and guidance.
PEOPLE: You will work with Green Party staffers David Doonan and Starlene Rankin on website and platform graphics as well as members of the Outreach Committee on literature/pamphlets.
IF INTERESTED: Please email [email protected] with your professional social media experience.