Vote Moss for Mayor on March 24
The election for Mayor of Rayville, Lousiana is this Saturday, March 24. The incumbent Rayville Mayor, Harry Lewis, Democrat, drew two contenders — Cassius Clay Muhammad, Independent, and Morgan Moss Jr., Green.
Mr Moss states "My candidacy for Mayor is based on my belief that 'Strong Leadership Builds Strong Communities'. As I reflect over my life, there is and always has been a deep burning desire in my heart to reach out and help those in need.
"The growth of Rayville's economy is necessary to improve the living standard and prosperity of the entire population. Growth in the economy of the town of Rayville must be shared by ALL residents, Ask yourself a question, am I better off today than I was 4, 8, 12, 16 years ago?
"Recreation is important for people of all ages, but it is especially crucial for our children. Our children need structure during the summer months that will keep them out of possible trouble, which might include jail time. Many companies look at recreational avenues as a criteria for locating in an area. There is money set aside for recreation, so let's use it.
"Malcolm X once said, "Education is our passport to the future". Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. The achievement rates are not high enough and basic education tools such as computers are not provided adequately to all of our students. Some of the curriculum is outdated, especially in African-American history. The African-African American history of the majority of the school population is inadequately covered. More skill trade training and technological training is needed in the Town of Rayville."
Voting will take place at the Rayville High School or The Eugene Community Center located at 317 N. Eugene St., Rayville, LA. The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. until 8:00 P.M.
Listen to Moss's radio ad: