In December, the Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC) sent a survey out to 2018 Green Party candidates about their experience as candidates. We got a lot of good information back -- and what we learned is Green campaigns need better development, particularly at the early stages. This webinar will cover some of the campaign fundamentals the CCC believes are most important for even the most inexperienced campaigner.
This webinar is designed for anyone currently running for office as a Green, interested a future run for office as a Green, or in an active role with a campaign. This particular session will focus on:
- kicking your campaign into gear
- recruiting volunteers
- using a database to manage voters, volunteers, and donors
- developing a budget and raising money
- using petitioning to build the campaign, not burn out
- working with your local Green Party chapter
This webinar will be led by CCC member Hillary Kane.
Hillary Kane is the Treasurer of the Green Party of the United States. She has served as campaign treasurer for several Green Party candidates, and has volunteered and served in other capacities with several other prior Green Party campaigns. She is also a member of the GPUS Coordinated Campaign Committee and the co-chair of the GPUS Finance Committee. She has served as Chair of the Green Parties of both Philadelphia and Pennsylvania and has been active with the party since joining in 2000.
- April 09, 2019 at 9:00pm – 10:30pm
- online
- 47 people are going
Hillary Kane

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