Report From Brent Mcmillan, Executive Director



2010 ANM Report from Brent McMillan, Executive Director
Jan. 1, 2010 thru May 31, 2010

1) Management

Meetings: I regularly attend Steering Committee, Fundraising Committee and (less frequently) Finance Committee Conference Calls. On occasion I have also attended the Green Senatorial Campaign Committee Calls.

2) Personnel Relations

Current staff consists of a full time executive director, full time operations manager, part time media director and part time webmanager. We also have the benefit of Dave Bosserman’s work as a volunteer in the office, typically on Tues. and Thur.

3) SC and NC Relations
I currently submit a weekly work report to the SC on Fridays. It is similar in format to this report.

4) New Projects

I continue to look for opportunities to improve our database and web presence. I added several users to the server with limited ftp access for their committee pages.

I worked on a proposal for the U.S. Social Forum that was rejected.

5) Finance

Our property insurance came up for renewal on 5/29/10. We renewed for a period of one year. The cost remained the same from the previous year. Our liability insurance comes up for renewal on 6/15/10. The cost remains the same from the previous year. Our current lease comes up for renewal on June 1, 2011.

6) Community Relations

6.A. Media
I was interviewed by Ed Brown who is making a documentary, “Acceptable Levels?” on two occasions. I worked with Derek Wall in the writing of his book, “A No-Nonsense Guide to Green Politics”. (Now in print. Published by the New Internationalist. )

I met with Matt Wootton from the Green Party of Wales. He is doing research on a possible book dealing with comparative Green working methods.

I worked on a licensing agreement with Gale Group for Green Pages to get it into public libraries across the country.

5/4/2010: I submitted an Op-Ed for the next edition of Green Pages entitled, “Overcoming the Crabs in a Bucket Syndrome.”

6.B. Transpartisan

4/18/2010: Meeting in Seattle: I met and spoke with Don Rivers who is running against Congressman J. McDermott. I also met with representatives of the Tea Party movement in Washington State, the chair of the Libertarian Party in Washington State, local ministers, a representative of Transition Towns – Seattle, even a representative of the Republican’s Women organization in Seattle. A common theme was a general concern for the multiple crises that they (we) face.

I worked with Joseph McCormick and Michael Ostrolenk on a Transpartisan Book Salon taking place in Washington, DC for David Korten to launch the second edition of “Agenda for a New Economy.” Scheduled for June 10.

I worked with Barry Tillman on the Grandaddy Tipi project for the U.S. Social Forum.

5/26/2010: I was contacted by Joseph McCormick of the Transpartisan Alliance about a conference being planned for Feb. of 2011 in Seattle, Reuniting America: Engaging Accross the Divides.

6.C. International

5/5/2010: I met with Clare Ozich from Senator B. Brown’s office.

I worked with the International Committee on a congratulatory letter to Caroline Lucas.

7) Electoral

7.A.1. Campaign Schools: I participated in the following:

1/30/2010: Maryland Green Party Campaign School, Baltimore. 10 am – 5 pm.

Turnout was a little light due to the weather, but it was a good group of people. We even had a few show up by accident that were there for a yoga class but decided to stick around for awhile to learn about the Green Party.

2/19/2010: I took part in the Arkansas Campaign School: Contact: Mark Jenkins (AR). The weekend of Feb. 19-21 in Little Rock.

4/17/2010 & 4/18/2010: I took part in the Campaign Skills School – Seattle, WA

7.A.2. Elections Database

As of May 31, 2010 the Election Database for 2010 stands at 231 candidates from 33 states, including the District of Columbia.

For Statewide office: there are eleven candidates currently running for Governor, seven for Lieutenant Governor, two for Secretary of State, four for Attorney General, two for State Auditor, two for State Comptroller, and three for Treasurer.

There are seventy-five candidates running for state legislature.

The Elections database is located at:

7.A.3. Election Data and Results: Greens have won 14 offices so far this year. (See Appendix for details)

In summary: Thirteen incumbents ran for re-election, all were re-elected.

One new officeholder: On 5/11/2010, Bob Siebel ran unopposed for Putnam County Soil Conservation Supervisor, WV.

7.B. I worked with the Green Senatorial Campaign Committee (GSCC) on building a fundraising program. There are 12 U.S. Senate candidates currently running and 39 U.S. House. (See Appendix for detailed list)

7.C. Ballot Access

Summary: 20 ballot lines: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, D.C., Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, West Virginia and Wisconsin. (Texas added later)

7.D. Officeholders Network

Current Number of Officeholders: 141 (We started the year at 150)

The officeholders database can be found at:

8) Fundraising

8.A. Major Donors

As of May 31, 2010 I had $375 in outstanding pledges. One time donations Year to Date: $34,165, of which $33,100 was from re-solicitation and $1,065 was from prospecting (not including Green Party Card, Green Party Card: $50)

For the first five months of the year I sent out 575 personalized prospect letters. We received sixteen new donors as the result of this effort for a total of $1,065. This is a 2.8% rate of return with an ave. donation of $66.56. (See Appendix for more detail)

8.B. Direct Mail:

Feb – R1002 Re-solicitation mailing. Appeal letter is from Brent McMillan.

Theme: Electoral Focus. Quantity: 17,991

Cost: $10,577.87 (Printing $5,370 + Mail Prep $1,840 + Postage $2,880 + Sales Tax 487.87)

Mail drop: Wed., Jan. 27, 2010. First return: Wed., Feb. 3, 2010

# of contributions received so far: 504, Total amount received so far: $23,355

% responding so far: 2.8, Ave. contr.: $46.34, Net gain so far: $12,777.13

8.C. Fundraising Contractors

I have been in an ongoing conversation with Keys Direct, the fundraising contractor to the Green Party of Canada.

8.D. Sustainers

Projected Sustainer Income year to date: $2,400 (Separate from Major Donor)

8.E. I worked with volunteers on a Planned Giving Brochure which is now available for download at:

8.F. I worked with the Fundraising Committee on a Green Organizing Kit:


In-kind contributions: $233.52 (See Appendix for detailed break down)