Kansas City Greens Heart of America 2018 Fundraising Campaign
It’s a long trek to the top of the Mountain. It’s a heavy load for dedicated activists to make significant change. It’s only when people take up a share of ownership, a share of the load; a share of the Action that real social change is possible; together. We are working to reach our fundraising goal of $75,000. Help us plant the flag at the summit.
Help the Green Party of Kansas City reach the top, commit to a share of the action. The Green Party depends on People Power because we take no money from Corporate Interest, Billionaires, Unions or LLC’s.
Take up a Share of the Action by volunteering for canvassing, social media posting, phone banking or working the polls on Election Day November 6th
If you’re not able to volunteer you can provide other resources to get the job done.
- With your Action Share donation of $10 you support printing flyers
- With a donation of $25 our elections coordinator can drive 45 miles around the city.
- Your contribution of $50 will help pay for yard signs for our candidates.
- With Action Share of $100 will help pay a campaign organizer to get us to the pinnacle.
- Can you donate $10 a week for the next 10 weeks so our candidate are heard?
- With a bold contribution of 2 hours of your time a week we will reach the top together.
Thank you for considering supporting Green Party Candidates.
If you can volunteer sign up here: https://www.missourigreenparty.org/kcmo_volunteer. You can donate here: https://www.missourigreenparty.org/kcmo_donate
KC-HOA Elections
[email protected]