
What is a Green Party Caucus? The word "caucus" can have a number of different meanings in a political context. For example, the "Iowa caucuses" are an electoral event in which Iowans elect delegates from each precinct to their county conventions, which eventually select delegates to the Presidential conventions.

In the Green Party, caucuses function as Identity Caucuses: a grouping of Greens, not explicitly ideological in nature, that has historically failed to attain adequate access to power in society at-large and/or within the Green movement.   Currently, the national party includes Black, Latinx, Lavender, Women's and Youth Caucuses.

Caucuses help bring greater diversity to the Green Party, and help ensure that the Green Party is hearing from historically under-represented people and taking up their concerns and needs. They allow people who identify as Black, LGBT, women, youth, or Latino as well as Green to come together in their own space within the party. Among their possible activities:

  • They may promote the Green Party in their communities and recruit new members.
  • They may give a voice to their members within the Green Party, through membership on the National Committee and other leadership bodies, or taking positions on certain proposals or internal policy matters.
  • They may promote policy issues that matter to their members within or outside the Party
  • They may recruit or promote candidates and officeholders that represent their communities.

Each caucus has its own mission statement and activities. Feel free to contact them as indicated below. If you are interested in starting a new caucus, please email the Accreditation Committee at: click here

Bylaws Reference | How to form a caucus


1. Definitions

The term "state" as used in these bylaws shall refer to any state, commonwealth, district or territory entitled to voting representation or non-voting delegate status in the United States House of Representatives.

The term "underrepresented group" as used in these bylaws shall refer to any grouping of Greens, not explicitly ideological in nature, that has historically failed to attain adequate access to power in society at-large and/or within the Green movement, as determined by the National Committee.

2. National Committee

The National Committee of the Green Party of the United States shall consist of the representatives of state parties and accredited caucuses of underrepresented groups.

Latinx-Logo.pngLatinx Caucus

Bienvenido al Latinx Caucus!

Los miembros Latinx del Partido Verde han formado un caucus para echar hacia adelante el Partido Verde y estamos muy alegres y excitados para trabajar juntos, praticar y compartir soluciónes. Queremos unir, empoderar y expandir la idendidád de los Latinx en el Partido Verde.

Somos activistas de base, ambientalistas, defensores de la justicia social, resistentes no violentos y ciudadanos comunes que ya se han cansado de la política dominada por los corporaciones. El gobierno debe ser parte de la solución, pero cuando está controlado por el 1%, es parte del problema. Cuanto más esperamos el cambio, más defícil se vuelve. No se quede en casa el día de las elecciones y vote Verde.

Invitamos a los Latinx a utilizar nuestro valores culturales como nuestras fuerzas, incluyendo nuestras experiencias, nuestras luchas y contribuciones, no solamente entre nosotros, sino también con el Partido Verde.

Creemos que es esencial tener un Latinx Caucus organizado, acredidado y activo organizando en el Partido Verde y participando en su proceso de tomar decisiones. Es hora que aceptamos nuestras ideas para adelantar a nuestra gente y nuestro creciente Partido Verde.

Regístrese hoy para unirse a nuestra creciente comunidad de miembros del Latinx Caucus, en los Partidos Verdes Local, Estatal y el Comité Nacional del Partido Verde. En este momento de crisís y transformación para la nación y nuestro Planeta, nuestro Partido Verde necesita el poder de las comunidades Latinx en sus rangos. Esto no sucederá sin una fuerte participación en el Partido Verde. Esperamos que se una a nosotros.

Bienvenido al Latinx Caucus!

Latinx Green Party members have formed a caucus to move the Green Party forward and we are excited to work together to discuss and share solutions. We want to invite, empower and expand the identity of Latinx's in the Green Party.

We are grassroots activist, environmentalist, advocates for social justice, nonviolent resisters and regular citizens who've had enough of corporate-dominated politics. Government must be part of the solution, but when it's controlled by the 1%, it's part of the problem. The longer we wait for change, the harder it gets. Don't stay home on election day and vote Green.

We invite and urge Latinx's to utilize our cultural values as our strengths, including our experiences, struggles and contributions, not only with one another but with the Green Party.

We feel that it is essential to have a Latinx Caucus organized, accredited, and active in Green Party organizing and participating in its decision-making process. It's time for us to embrace and celebrate our heritage and apply our ideas to advance our people and our growing Green Party.

Sign up today and join our growing community of Latinx Caucus members, in Local and State Green Parties and on the Green Party National Committee. At this moment of crisis and transformation, for the nation and the Earth, our Green Parties need the power of the Latinx communities in their ranks. This won't happen without strong Latinx participation in the Green Party. We hope you will join us. Welcome to the Latinx Caucus!

The formation of the Latinx Caucus was approved by the NC on September 20, 2015.

Web Site • LeadershipFacebook •  Join the Caucus • Contact Us • Donate

LAVGREENS.jpgLavender Greens

Mission Statement

To promote the 4 Pillars and the Ten Key Values of the Green Party.

To promote issues of interest to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA) Greens.

To facilitate communication and coordination amongst LGBTQIA individuals and caucuses (or equivalent) within state Green Party organizations.

To elect a delegate and alternate delegate to the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States.

To elect representatives to all national Green Party committees (and equivalents) to educate on, advocate for, and represent LGBTQIA interests and issues.

To donate to the Lavender Greens: click here • To join the Lavender Greens: click here


Email: click here • Facebook: click here  • Twitter: click here

Young-Greens-Logo.pngYoung Ecosocialists

Mission Statement

The Young Ecosocialists (the Youth Caucus of the Green Party US) works to engage youth in Green issues and gives its members a voice within GPUS. Membership is open to anyone ages 14-35 in the United States who identifies as Green and pays caucus dues. In addition to using the Ten Key Values as guiding principles, we declare ourselves to be an anti-oppression caucus, actively dedicated to the work of ending capitalism and dismantling white supremacy and cisheteropatriarchy. We emphasize political independence from the corporate duopoly and working towards an ecosocialist future.

Please sign up to join the caucus email list here to get alerts such as for our bi-monthly educational calls.

Please pay your $10 annual membership dues here. Then you will be added to Basecamp, our internal organizing software. 

Sign up to start a campus chapter here. 

Candidates can seek the endorsement of the caucus here. 

WebsiteFacebook PageFacebook GroupTwitter • Instagram  • Email

National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States


Mission Statement | In Memorial, Salute' Bruce Dixon | Bylaws

The mission of the National Black Caucus of the Green Party of the United States (BC-GPUS) is to maximize the participation of men and women of African and African American descent in the political and policy-making process of the Green Party ofBlack Caucus log the United States. It is further to introduce the Ten Key Green Values and the Green Party Platform to the African American community. The mission of BC-GPUS is to increase the participation and election victories in United States electoral politics of African and African Americans who support the GPUS Platform, and to ensure that the GPUS conducts and implements programs that concretize its platform in the interests of communities of African-American and African descent addressing community needs and disparities.

To make a donation to the Black Caucus: click here

Web | LeadershipFB page | TwitterEmail | Join

National Women's Caucus

Mission Statement

The NWC will organize and act to advance Women's rights and concerns within the Party and in the country at large with the ultimate goals of maximizing the Women's vote for the Green Party, participation of Women at all levels of the Party and a voter, activist, leadership, candidate and officeholder base of Women that is reflective of the great diversity of this nation.

Web | Leadership | Membership | Bylaws

Make a one-time donation to the Women's Caucus: click here

Join the Circle of Sisters to Support our Women Candidates by becoming a Monthly Donor: Click Here

Facebook: click here • Email: click here