The Green Party US Steering Committee (SC), along with the party’s staff, oversees and helps execute the day-to-day administration and operations of the party. The SC is made up of seven members plus the party’s Treasurer and Secretary, for a total of nine members. Steering Committee members must be National Committee delegates, alternate delegates, or former delegates/alternates from their state parties. They are elected by the National Committee for two-year terms, with a two-term limit.
Craig Cayetano, Co-Chair
New Jersey
Special election, March 14, 2023
Craig Cayetano is currently a co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. Craig is also the Communications Chair of the Green Party of New Jersey where he also served previously as co-chair of his state party.
Craig has run for local office several times in Hawthorne, N.J. for town council Ward 3 and council at-large. He received 33% of the vote in his last race in 2023. He worked on numerous Green Party campaigns since joining in 2016.
Craig's commitment to democratizing elections led him to become one of the co-founding members of Voter Choice New Jersey.
Craig has served his community through membership on the Hawthorne Green Team and is a Board Member of the Passaic County SPCA. During the pandemic he started Mutual Passaic County to provide assistance and support to neighbors in need.
Cassandra Lems
Cassandra Lems (she/her) is Co-Chair of the 2024 Credentials Committee, and while she is looking forward to retiring from that position after the committee submits its final report, she would like to acknowledge that the other committee members have been delightful to work with.
Cassandra also serves as Program Committee Chair for the Green Party of Nassau County, New York, as a New York State Committee member representing Nassau County, as a member at large of the Executive Committee of the Green Party of New York, and as a New York delegate to the National Committee.
She ran for office four times as a Green before disgraced former Governor Cuomo took away our ballot line. Cassandra is a former paralegal specializing in foreign patents, but began her working life as an editor of books, trade magazines, and newsletters. She is a voracious reader, a skilled needleworker, and a pretty good home cook. She sometimes sings with a community choir, and has performed in 11 of the 14 Gilbert and Sullivan operettas.
Darryl! Moch, Co-Chair
District of Columbia
Darryl! L.C. Moch currently serves as Chair of the DC Statehood Green Party in Washington, DC and co-chair of the GPUS National Back Caucus. He is a former National Co-chair of the USGP and has served on the Finance, Platform, DRC, Media, Diversity, CCC and other committee. A few election cycles ago, Darryl! served in an interim capacity managing the party accounts and funds and transacting financial affairs. He ran in November 2022 Chair of the DC City Council, and for the DC City Council in the 2010 primary. He has served as an adviser to campaigns and candidates in various parts of the country, locally, regionally, and nationally. He is currently on the board of Green Horizons. He is also the director of the Charm City Labor Chorus.
Darryl! also provides consulting services to communities and non-profit organizations. He is the President/CEO of a local nonprofit and has served as Chief Financial Officer and managing board member for several organizations with duties including fiscal oversight and management, organizational leadership, development, fundraising, donor relations, program development and training a community-based organization.
Darryl! has developed and trained leaders as well as partnered and worked with community leaders on local, regional, national, and international levels. A native of Los Angeles, California who proudly makes his home in Washington, DC, Darryl! serves as a consultant, activist, advocate, performance artist, psychotherapist/life coach, and minister. His current work includes arts and culture of the progressive community; creating opportunities that will empower, expose, and enlighten individuals and our collective communities. His art, activism and advocacy work is rooted in social justice, equality, and quality of life issues and addressing Poverty on all levels. He focuses on work with African-American/ BIPOC and minority communities, children, youth, families, LGBTQ constituencies, people living with mental, SUD, developmental and physical challenges, the homeless, other issues facing communities most disenfranchised by local, regional, and national political policies and laws. His work centers on social change, social justice, and equality for all people without distinction in order to ensure a good quality of life for all people.
He was also part of the Center for New Community program Which Way Forward, confronting anti-immigration wedge issues targeted to the African American community. He was the founding Secretary of the former International Federation of Black Prides, worked with Pride organizations and other leasing community empowerment organizations across the country and abroad. He has also created programs that bridge the relationship between the religious, social, and cultural arenas. He is a former editor, copy editor, program director, and features writer local and national magazines.
He is completing his Doctorate in Organizational Leadership concentration in Transformational Leadership with research on Othering.
Special election, March 14, 2023
Alfred Molison, Co-Chair
Special election, March 14, 2023
Joseph Naham, Co-Chair
New York
I registered as a Green as soon as I turned 18. The Green Party has been a source of support for me during times of strife with family and friends over disagreements over values. I am grateful that Greens presently hold a light to every injustice on this earth.
I am married and have a five-year-old son. I believe that we are borrowing this planet from our children, and I am committed to leaving it in better shape than when I was born.
In the Green Party, I have served as a volunteer organizer, a campaign manager, member of many social, environmental, and progressive boards. I have ran as a candidate for public office on four occasions.
I am chairperson of the Nassau County Green Party, I am passionate about environmental protection, social justice, and peace. As National CoChair, I will work to build a healthier, more just, sustainable, and peaceful world.
Special election, March 14, 2023
Charles Ostdiek
Charles Ostdiek began working with the Green Party in 2000 as a member of Nebraskans for Nader and went on to help found the Nebraska Green Party. He began working directly with the Green Party of the US in 2008 and previously served as national co-chair from 2012 to 2016.
As a long-time environmental and anti-nuclear activist, Charles works locally on many public power issues and was an integral part of work to have the Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Station decommissioned.
Justin Paglino
Justin Paglino, M.D, Ph.D., comes from a medical science background in the fields of clinical pathology and virology, but since 2019 has been working as a piano teacher and as a Green Party activist. He ran for US Congress in 2020 and 2022.
In 2023 he was elected a co-chair of the Connecticut Green Party and a National Committee member of GPUS, and is also serving as co-chair of the Eco-Action Committee.
This year he is the nominated Green Party candidate for US Senate in Connecticut.
Holly Hart, Secretary
Since becoming involved with the Green Party in the late 1990's, I have been a member of my state and local chapters, I have also enjoyed working on the national Green Party's Platform, Media and Coordinated Campaign Committees, and am a member of the National Women's Caucus,
Locally, I served on the Iowa Secretary of State's Voting/HAVA Task Force and was my state party's Lt Governor candidate in 2002; subsequently, the only third party/independent panelist on a University forum featuring Women candidates; and a member of Iowans for Voting Integrity and Iowans for Justice in Palestine.
At the state and national level, I have organized and hosted press conferences and other candidate events. I've been involved in ballot access policy and work of some kind: petitioning for a ballot line, coordinating a ballot line petition drive, managing ballot filing paperwork for statewide ad two presidential campaigns, researching ballot status legislation, working for improved access and benefits for third parties, and served consultant in two successful legal settlements.
Special election, March 14, 2023
Bob Stuller, Treasurer
Bob Stuller has served as treasurer of the New London Green Party for nearly a decade, and, during that time, he has also served as campaign treasurer for local legislative candidates, including Mirna Martinez’s run for State Representative in 2019, which was the first (and only, to date) Green Party campaign to qualify for public financing under the Connecticut Elections Program. Since 2019, he has also been treasurer of the Green Party of CT, submitting financial reports to both the State Election Enforcement Commission (SEEC) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC). In addition to his longtime employment as a software engineer, Bob has served on municipal commissions and nonprofit boards; in all these venues, he has strived to facilitate effective teamwork by identifying complimentary skillsets and fostering goodwill and cooperation.
Special election, May 14, 2023