
Greens hold elected office all over the United States, working to enact Green ideas into public policy in their communities. Over 140 Greens currently hold elected office — in cities large and small, and in urban, suburban and rural areas across the nation. While elected Greens don’t get a lot of publicity working on municipal and county levels, the positive changes they are making are very real.

Each election cycle hundreds of Greens run for public office on local, state and federal levels, highlighting issues to often ignored by the major parties and their candidates. Greens’ independence from those parties and their corporate sponsors helps enable Green candidates and officeholders to take strong stands for the people they serve.

Running Green is also organizing tool for a stronger democracy with more voter choice -- publicizing a Green alternative, providing a focus for local Green groups, and attracting new people to join the Party.

With the help of people around the country who are ready for real change – by volunteering, donating, running for office, and voting Green - more Greens will be elected in the future, and strong Green candidates on every level will help re-shape the debate .

Please explore this section to learn more about our candidates, our officeholders, ballot access, and why you should register as a Green.