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  • 2025 Winter Convention & SCC Election

    • Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 11:00 AM

    Pacific Green Party
    2025 Winter Convention
    January 25th (online)

    Please RSVP FOR THE CONVENTION. Once you RSVP, we will verify your party registration with the Secretary of State and email you the convention agenda for approval. Ballots will be emailed on Saturday, January 25th, and the deadline to cast your ballot will be Tuesday January 28th, 8 pm PDT.

    The Winter Convention agenda will include:

    State Coordinating Committee (SCC) Elections

    To VOTE, you must be a supporting member.

    To be a supporting member, you must meet the following criteria:

    You must be registered with the Secretary of State as a member of the Pacific Green Party no later than December 26th, 2024.
    AND one of the following must apply.

    You have been registered as a Pacific Green, without interruption, for 2 years, or

    You have made the required monetary contribution to the PGP between 12/27/2023 and 12/26/2024, or

    You have volunteered with the PGP and had your volunteer time verified and reported to the party Secretary by a party officer or a local chapter.

    You can register with the Secretary of State here or change your existing registration to the Pacific Green Party here.

    Donation amount to qualify as a supporting member is the equivalent of 1.5 hours of the living wage based on the following calculator: A contribution of $50 is enough to cover it regardless of where you live in Oregon, and you can claim this on your Oregon taxes. You can find more information about the Oregon Political Tax Credit here.

    The volunteer requirement is the equivalent of 30 minutes a month for three months in volunteer time with a local chapter, which can include participation at a meeting, campaigning or organizing. Contributions do not include discussions on social media. Local chapters will be asked to verify volunteer hours.

    To apply to be an auxiliary* member please complete this form.

    *This is intended for people not yet old enough to vote, or for permanent residents of Oregon.


    Do you have an issue or proposal you'd like to see get some "air time" at convention? Please submit an Agenda Item Request (AIR) here:

    To ensure your submission meets the criteria laid out in the bylaws (Article XVIII), the form will ask you for the following information:

    • All convention agenda items, except party elections, must include appropriate documentation. Documentation for introduction, discussion or decision items should include, as appropriate:
    • The background of the issue in question,
    • The current situation, needs or problems,
    • Options considered as solutions (if any) and why they were rejected,
    • The full text of the proposal,
    • An explanation of how the proposal would meet the current needs or problems,
    • Any supplementary documentation needed to understand the proposal,
    • Name and contact information for the item sponsor,
    • Indication of whether the item is being presented for introduction, discussion, and/or decision; if it is being presented for decision, how urgent it is that the decision be made at the next available opportunity; and clear justification for this urgency.
    • The deadline for submission is 30 days before the Convention, or December 26th, 2024.


    To express interest in running for State Coordinating Committee or for delegate to GPUS, please email [email protected].

    If you would like a statement in the voter's guide that will be emailed to convention participants, please submit your statement by December 26, 2024.

  • Green Party of Michigan State Membership Meeting

    • Saturday, February 08, 2025 at 10:00 AM

    February 8, 2025 | In person & Zoom

    The Green Party of Michigan (GPMI) invites you to our first Quarterly State Membership Meeting (SMM) of 2025 and State Central Committee (SCC) elections

    As you all know 2025 will bring new challenges and we need your help to face these challanges together. This is your opportunity to join us in our bi-annual elections for GPMI officers, committee participants, and national delegates. We encourage all members to attend in person or on zoom to nominate yourself or a fellow member to volunteer their time and skills to help our party move forward and keep us on the ballot.

    We do plan to have a special speaker at this meeting, yet to be confirmed, so as the date approaches please keep an eye out for agenda changes. As always you can find links to our meeting and the agenda on our website under the Events tab or follow the links below.

    Please also join us for our upcoming monthly working group meetings which will be planned for March 8 and April 12

    The Green Party of Michigan is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to continue serving Michiganders, keeping candidates on the ballot, and to move our party forward without corporate money which invites corruption.

    We need the support of the people like you. Consider making a donation today (or become a monthly donor in the amount of your choice!) to help sustain our fight for Green politics and against our broken two-party system.

    Contact GPMI for questions

    Email: [email protected]