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  • Green Party of Michigan State Membership Meeting

    • Saturday, February 08, 2025 at 10:00 AM

    February 8, 2025 | In person & Zoom

    The Green Party of Michigan (GPMI) invites you to our first Quarterly State Membership Meeting (SMM) of 2025 and State Central Committee (SCC) elections

    As you all know 2025 will bring new challenges and we need your help to face these challanges together. This is your opportunity to join us in our bi-annual elections for GPMI officers, committee participants, and national delegates. We encourage all members to attend in person or on zoom to nominate yourself or a fellow member to volunteer their time and skills to help our party move forward and keep us on the ballot.

    We do plan to have a special speaker at this meeting, yet to be confirmed, so as the date approaches please keep an eye out for agenda changes. As always you can find links to our meeting and the agenda on our website under the Events tab or follow the links below.

    Please also join us for our upcoming monthly working group meetings which will be planned for March 8 and April 12

    The Green Party of Michigan is constantly searching for new and innovative ways to continue serving Michiganders, keeping candidates on the ballot, and to move our party forward without corporate money which invites corruption.

    We need the support of the people like you. Consider making a donation today (or become a monthly donor in the amount of your choice!) to help sustain our fight for Green politics and against our broken two-party system.

    Contact GPMI for questions

    Email: [email protected]

  • Biodiversity COP 16 webinar

    • Monday, February 10, 2025 at 08:00 PM

    • February 10, 2025 at 8:00 pm ET, 7:00 pm CT, 6:00 pm MT, 5:00 pm PT

    Attend to get informed about the Biodiversity COP 16. What can we expect to come out of it? How are activists influencing decision makers around the world to protect the web of life that's keeping us all alive?

    You can register for the discussion here:

    Our main presenter will be Mr. Alain Tellier. He is a retired career diplomat from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada (Global Affairs Canada), with over 30 years of experience representing Canada on the international scene.

    Over that period, Mr. Tellier held postings at the Canadian Mission to the United Nations in New York, at the Canadian Mission to the UN in Geneva, a bilateral posting at the Consulate General of Canada to Hong Kong and Macao, and a posting at the Joint Delegation of Canada to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in Brussels.

    He held the positions of Director for Treaty Law, Executive Director for Law of the Sea and Environmental Law, Deputy Director of the Crime and Terrorism Division, and Deputy Director of the International Criminal, Security and Diplomatic Law Division.

    Our prior Nov. 2024 webinar on biodiversity.


    Global Greens Demand for COP 16 include:

    1. Urgent Action on NBSAPs: COP16 must demand that all Parties immediately initiate or accelerate the development, finalization, and implementation of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) for 30x30, whilst recognizing that this is a minimum. Parties must also commit to adopting a robust monitoring framework, global review procedures to ensure accountability and ensure the quality of protected areas, particularly biodiversity hotspots.

    2. Secure Finance for Biodiversity: COP16 must deliver a clear commitment to providing reliable and sufficient financial resources for the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). This includes guaranteeing timely, accessible funding for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and other rights-holders, while aligning public, private, and other financial flows to support biodiversity goals.

    3. Equitable Sharing of Genetic Resources: COP16 must finalize the multilateral mechanism for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of digital sequence information (DSI) related to genetic resources. This is a social justice issue essential to ensure that all countries and communities benefit fairly from nature’s genetic information.

    4.  Human Rights at the Heart: COP16 must establish concrete measures to mainstream biodiversity across sectors and tackle the root causes of biodiversity loss. All decisions must incorporate a whole-of-society approach and be rooted in human rights principles, ensuring accountability mechanisms that protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems. Particular emphasis must be on women, Indigenous Peoples, intergenerational connections, and local traditional knowledge.

    5. An Integration of Nature and Climate: Global problems require well-integrated global solutions. COP16 must set the stage for stronger integration of nature-based solutions in climate actions at future climate COPs, particularly ahead of COP29. It must also officially recognize the intrinsic links between nature, peace, and conflict resolution in global environmental governance, as well as the Sustainable Develop
  • Covert Action and Endless War: How the U.S. Exports Violence

    • Monday, February 17, 2025 at 07:30 PM

    The bellicose foreign policy of the U.S. continues to fuel instability and war worldwide in misguided efforts to attain global hegemony. In Europe, the Mideast, and the Pacific, U.S. covert and overt actions are undermining political stability and endangering peace.

    The webinar will explain how this process works, review the historic record, and address the dangers posed by continuation of covert and overt U.S. actions that harm other nations and threaten our own national security.


    Matthew Hoh has been a Senior Fellow with the Center for International Policy since 2010. In 2009, Matthew resigned in protest from his post in Afghanistan with the State Department over the American escalation of the war. He advocates a foreign policy centered on diplomacy, human rights, and international cooperation, rather than militarism. He is a disabled veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps who served in Iraq.
    Dr. Jill Stein was the Green Party candidate for President in 2024, 2016, and 2012. Jill advocates for cutting military spending, ending U.S. interventionist wars, and closing overseas military bases. She supports replacing militarism with diplomacy, promoting international cooperation, and respecting international law. Her approach prioritizes addressing the root causes of conflict, such as poverty, climate change, and inequality, and redirecting resources toward global humanitarian aid and development.
    Daniel Kovalik, a human rights lawyer and author, is a strong critic of U.S. interventionist foreign policies. He opposes regime change operations, economic sanctions, and military interventions, arguing that these tactics often violate international law and worsen conditions in affected countries. Kovalik emphasizes the importance of respecting national sovereignty and addressing global issues like poverty and inequality through cooperation rather than coercion.

    The webinar moderators will be Madelyn Hoffman, a Co-Chair of GPAX, and Noura Khouri
    of the Green Party of California.

    Madelyn Hoffman is an environmentalist and peace activist. Madelyn served as the director of New Jersey Peace Action from 2000 to 2018 and has been a prominent figure in the Green Party, running as their candidate for U.S. Senate in 2018 and 2020, and for Governor of New Jersey in 1997 and 2021.
    Noura Khouri is a U.S. born Palestinian human rights activist and community organizer based in Oakland, California. Over the past two decades, Noura has dedicated herself to advocating for Palestinian rights, serving as a campaign strategist and organizer. She has lived and worked in occupied Palestine and Egypt, gaining firsthand experience in the region's complexities

  • We need to use our momentum from getting out the vote for Jill Stein's antiwar pro-worker campaign to fight the rich and their two parties. To end the wars and the genocide in Gaza. To fight against racism, sexism, and all forms of oppression. To organize protests and strike actions to win a $25/hour minimum wage, Medicare for All, quality affordable housing, and good union jobs for all.

    Both Democrats and Republicans are a dead end for workers, the union movement, and the antiwar struggle. We urgently need a new, independent, antiwar, working-class party that can take on the billionaires & warmongers and BREAK the two-party system.

    Register now for Workers Strike Back's February Organizing Conference SATURDAY, Feb 22 @ 10 am PT!

    For more information and to register to attend, visit