The Green Party makes a strong and urgent call for U.S. passage of CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women, which was adopted in 1979 by the UN General Assembly and ratified by 173 countries. It is also known as the Women's Convention, the Women's Bill of Rights, and an International Bill of Rights for Women. The United States is one of a very few countries and the only industrialized nation that has not ratified it.
Women's Equality is an important part of our platform.
The National Women's Caucus (NWC) is sponsoring a national lobby in DC in April. Details can be found at Greens vs. Greed and here.
Mar 22, 2021

Honoring Women This Month and Every Month!
SAN FRANCISCO – This week, as media and our consciousness are filled with images and stories of women who have changed the trajectory of our history, we face the realization that today, in 2021 we still have a long way to reach our goals of equity and equality.
Today, women continue to fight in the struggle for equal pay, racial justice, indigenous rights, reproductive rights, healthcare justice, gender self-determination, environmental defense, and sustainability.
Mar 08, 2021
Apr 04, 2020
Mar 10, 2019

Greens from all over the United States will join together in Washington, D.C. April 1-5, 2019 to lobby their congresspeople by asking them to take the the "Public Funding Only Pledge". Additionally, they will be asked to sponsor or co-sponsor a bill in Congress to free our elections from any sort of bribery cash: special interest PAC, corporate or dark money donations. Instead, qualified candidates from every party would get an equal chance in TV, radio and printed ads, debates and appearances. This would allow other voices to be heard and the American voters to be aware of all of their choices.
The lobby starts on April 1st (Monday) and runs until the 5th (Friday). It will be in the halls of Congress. Information and downloads available at: www.greensvsgreed.org.
Mar 08, 2019
Feb 04, 2019

It's official we have the new 2019 calender and the lobby dates! Greens from all over the United States will join together during this week to lobby their congress to ask them to take the the public funding only pledge and also to sponsor or co-sponsor a bill in Congress to free our elections from any sort of bribery cash: special interest PAC, corporate or dark money donations.
Instead – qualified candidates from every party would get an equal chance in TV, radio and printed ads, debates and appearances. This would allow other voices to be heard and the American voters to be aware of all of their choices.
Jan 18, 2019

Trenton — Saturday, January 19, 2019 — The Green Party of New Jersey is proud to join members of The March on the Pentagon (formerly: The Women’s March on the Pentagon) to form a peace contingent at the Women’s March on Trenton. This peace contingent seeks to put the anti-war agenda back into political activism and confront the bi-partisan war machine.
Oct 26, 2018

The Green Party of the United States has identified "Green Candidates to Watch" in federal, state and local races on Election Day, Nov. 6, 2018.
The list includes Green candidates who are running energetic, well publicized, and well organized campaigns for local office across the U.S. The list is a sample of the many Green Party candidates running in the midterms who deserve attention.
Oct 15, 2018

Exclusion of candidates violates the right of voters to be informed about all names on the ballot
Green Party candidates have been excluded from debates and polls across the country by news media and polling criteria that favor Democratic and Republican candidates. Exclusion means Green Party candidates cannot make their case to undecided voters or try to sway decided ones, which is especially crucial in races that determine ballot status. High numbers of undecided voters are a wild card in many races this year and may lead to some “Green” surprises on election day.
Oct 09, 2018

On Saturday, the U.S. Senate made a terrible mistake that will harm all of us. The Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh to a lifetime position as a Justice for the U.S. Supreme Court. Making this undemocratic decision even worse, the Senators who voted in favor of the confirmation voted in favor of party and against the interest of the majority of their constituents.