2019 Maine Green Independent Party Convention
The Maine Green Independent Party (MGIP) welcomes you to our annual convention, a 'Spring Unity Gathering' being held on May 19, 2019 at Viles Arboretum in Augusta, Maine.
We look forward to bringing together the general members of the Maine Green Independent Party to discuss our principles and plans in a positive and forward manner.
We will conduct party business and also feature speakers addressing issues from local, national and international perspectives. We are welcoming Green delegates from Canada as our guests, as well as several presidential candidates seeking the Green Party nomination.
The convention committee will arrive early, at 7:30 a.m. to finalize setup for the convention. We welcome any other members who wish to show up early to help.
This convention will hold a potluck lunch, so please bring something to share.
Our convention pages:
website | Facebook | Blogger
Viles Arboretum
153 Hospital Street
Augusta, Maine
Sunday May 19, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
If you're planing to attend, please RSVP at our Facebook Event.
Program Schedule
8:30 - 9:20 Registration
9:25 Blessing - Dawn Neptune Adams
9:30 Welcome greeting - Co-Chair Niomi Larrivee
9:35 Convention Rules - Secretary Ben Meiklejohn
9:40 Elect convention secretary, elect convention chair
9:45 State of the Party Co-Chair - Jon Olsen
9:55 Bylaws Amendments
10:20 Hemp Farm Bill/CMP - Gil Harris
10:30 Elect party co-chair
10:40 Greetings from Green-Rainbow Party of Massachusetts - Darlene Elias
10:55 Elect party secretary
11:05 Canadian Greens from Parti vert du Québec.
11:20 Elect at-large state committee members, sub committee/reports
11:30 Green of the Year Award
11:40 John Rensenbrink
11:45 Group photo shoot
12:00. Lunch
1:00 Decide eligibility to vote in 2020 MGIP primary
1:15 Fish Farming in Penobscot Bay & its Environmental Impact - Ron Huber
1:25 Elect GPUS delegates to national and international committees
1:35 Food Sovereignty & Local Control of the Food System
1:45 Approve party budget - Treasurer Allen Cooke
1:55 5G Network- Jolie Diane
Legislative initiative to prohibit pollution emissions. History of weather modification
2:05 Approve party goals (see info packets)
2:30 Employment - Tessa Byrnes
2:40 Jill Stein, 2012 and 2016 GPUS nominee for U.S. president with Q&A
3:00 Water Justice - Nickie Sekera
3:10 Presidential candidates - (5 min per candidate) Candidates are still confirming and may be subject to change.
3:45 Open discussion
4:00 Closing remarks and Silent Auction
For more information about the convention, call Jacqui at 207-284-3358.
$20.00 suggested registration fee. We do not accept dirty corporate money and rely on donations from good people like you. Please visit our website donations page to help the party move forward with our goals at mainegreens.org.
Niomi Larrivee
Chairperson of the Maine Green Independent Party