Recommendations on the 2021 propositions
The Executive Committee of the Green Party of New York has issued recommendations on how to vote on the ballot propositions on the state ballot. Please share & spread on social media.
Vote No on 1, Yes on 2, 3, 4, and 5 - here's how we suggest you vote on the ballot propositions this year in NY!
Proposal 1:
No. It isn’t going to change the gerrymandered process whether you vote yes or no, we need proportional representation to do that, but the proposed law will allow Democrats to entrench their supermajority and gerrymander.
Proposal 2:
Yes, but it isn’t going to save the environment just by adding this to the NY State Constitution. We need an Eco-Socialist Green New Deal.
Proposal 3:
Yes, we agree with same-day voter registration. New York State should, however, move to automatic voter registration and the burden should be on the state to keep a person registered.
Proposal 4:
Yes, we agree with no-excuse absentee voting, though mail-in ballots for every election should be standard.
Proposal 5:
Yes, this brings the civil claim threshold up to where it should be due to inflation and helps relieve stress on the courts.
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