Additional CPD Debate Protest Rallies Coordinated by Libertarian and Green Parties
We're writing with a quick update about today's rally to protest the exclusionary "Presidential Debates".
In addition to the Green Party of Minnesota's originally scheduled rally on the U of M campus at 6:00 pm, the Libertarian and Green parties are coordinating a joint effort to educate the public about why they see only two candidates in the debates in election after election. All three rallies are slated to occur on Monday September 26 in the Twin Cities metro, with the two additional rallies earlier in the day at local television stations (KARE11 and KSTP):
Lunchtime rally at KARE11 in Golden Valley - 11:30am to 1:00pm
Afternoon rally at KSTP in St Paul - 4:00pm to 6:30pm
Evening rally at U of M in Minneapolis - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
The events are intended not only to draw attention from motorists driving by on the busy thoroughfares, but to catch the attention of the stations' reporters as well. Protests against the CPD have been ignored by Minnesota's media in previous years, so the two largest alternative parties have decided to bring the news to them.
The GPMN and LPMN encourage all members, activists, and supporters of both parties to make any necessary accommodations to attend any of these three vitally important rallies. A tepid turnout would give the message that few care, allowing the powers-that-be to continue this corrupt practice. A strong turnout will deliver an unmistakable message to the contrary.
It's time to get rid of the corrupt CPD, their rigged debates, and allow voters to hear from all qualified candidates in a free and open political process!
Please join us for the lunchtime rally or the afternoon rally or the evening rally. Or all three, if you can!
Green Party of Minnesota
Green Party of Minnesota
4200 Cedar Ave S, Suite 8
Minneapolis, MN 55407