Arizona Green Party general membership meeting
The Arizona State Green Party (AZGP) will meet on Saturday, November 14, 2020 and you are invited. The AZGP will meet over zoom. You will have a chance to meet your Arizona Green Party state committee members and hear about the 2020 Green Presidential results. We will learn about ballot access, fundraising and volunteer opportunities.
The Green Party is committed to values-based politics, as expressed in our Ten Key Values. These values guide us in countering and changing a system that extols exploitation, unsustainable consumption, and destructive competition.
In this century, it is imperative that we find sound economic ways to make systemic changes. It is our responsibility to rebuild the political culture of the United States in order to stop wars of aggression, short-sighted ecological destruction, erosion of our rights, and the system that perpetuates social and economic injustice. In other words, we must fundamentally change our society's broken political system.
Now is the time to build a bridge from the world we have to the better world we know is possible.
Now is the time to grow a sustainable political force to work for grassroots democracy, nonviolence, social justice, and ecological wisdom.
We look forward to meeting you on November 14, 2020!
Michael E. Cease
AZGP Secretary
AZGP statewide General Membership meeting
Agenda for Saturday, November 14, 2020
10:00 AM to 12:45 PM
Zoom Meeting
9:30 AM – 10:00 AM
Hosted by Cara Bissell, AZGP Treasurer
10:00 AM – 10:15 AM
Welcome and brief introductions (30 seconds for each introduction)
Liana West, AZGP Co-Chair, Facilitator
10:15 AM – 10:20 AM
Volunteers for role assignments of Stack taker (certain items limited to General Membership members only and not State Committee members**), Time keeper (note, all speakers in the stack are limited to 1 minute), 2 Vibes monitors (one vibes monitor for audio and one vibes monitor for “Chat” notes on Zoom), Public scribe (committee of the whole through “Share Screen” feature on Zoom)
Celeste Castorena, AZGP Recorder, Minutes taker
10:20 AM - 10:25 AM
Minute of silence in respect of Greens we have lost and Honoring Indigenous People, national day of mourning and International Free Leonard Pelteir event on November 26th Liana West, AZGP Co-Chair and Haryaksha Knauer, AZGP Co-Chair
10:25 AM – 10:30 AM
Brief 1990 to 2020 AZGP historical introduction
Celeste Castorena, AZGP Recorder
10:30 AM – 10:35 AM
“On Conflict and Consensus” reading
Cara Bissell, AZGP Treasurer
10:35 AM – 10:50 AM
Jamboard Session and open discussion of concerns, visions and AZGP mission from the general members.
Whiteboard – Sam Hales, AZGP Alternate GP-US Delegate
10:50 AM – 10:55 AM
Treasurer’s report
Cara Bissell, AZGP Treasurer
10:55 AM – 11:00 AM
Fundraising, monthly sustaining donors appeal
Cara Bissell, AZGP Treasurer
11:00 AM – 11:10 AM
National Committee Delegate report (5 minutes)
Celeste Castorena, GP-US Delegate
Liana West, GP-US Delegate
11:10 AM – 11:25 AM
GPMC (Green Party of Maricopa County) report (5 minutes)
Liana West, GPMC Chairperson
Haryaksha Knauer, GPYC Chairperson
11:25 AM – 11:30 AM
Ballot Access Committee Report
Amee Beck, AZGP 1st Vice Chairperson, BAC Committee Coordinator
11:30 AM – 11:35 AM
Report on 2022 Petitioning Campaign for AZGP New Party recognition
Haryaksha Knauer, AZGP Co-Chair
11:35 AM – 11:40 AM
Media Committee Report
Sam Hales, AZGP Alternate GP-US Delegate
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM
State Working-Committees call for volunteers/review whiteboard sticky notes**
Sam Hales, AZGP Alternate GP-US Delegate
11:50 AM – 11:55 AM
Volunteers for National Committee requests
Vincent Jones, AZGP 2nd Vice-Chairperson
11:55 AM – 12:05 PM
GP-US Delegate position status, term expires January, 2021
Celeste Castorena, AZGP Recorder and Liana West, AZGP Co-Chair
12:05 PM – 12:10 PM
Recognition of Yavapai County as a new organized county chapter of the AZGP **
Mike Cease, AZGP Secretary
12:10 PM – 12:15 PM
Bylaw amendment proposal for State Committee quorum requirements**
Mike Cease, AZGP Secretary
12:15 PM – 12:35 PM
Guest Speaker on Ranked Choice Voting
from Voter Choice AZ
12:35 PM – 12:45 PM
Meeting evaluations, what worked well and what needs improvement
Liana West, Facilitator
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