Longmont Green Party to host ‘Break The System’ candidate forum Jan. 5
The Longmont Colorado Green Party is scheduled to host a “Break The System” forum for various congressional candidates on Jan. 5. The free, virtual event will occur from 5-6 p.m. online and may be viewed via Zoom.
Those interested in watching can register ahead of time by visiting longmontgp.org.
By Matthew Bennett
December 27, 2023
Longmont Green Party co-chair Patrick Dillon will host the forum that is set to include: Jason Call, who is running for Washington’s 2nd Congressional District seat; Sean Dougherty, who is vying for California’s 19th Congressional District seat; Christina Khalil, who is running to represent New Jersey in the United States Senate; and Justin Paglino, who is also running for Connecticut’s U.S. Senate seat.
“This event is the first of many that aspires to propel these candidates onto the national stage while encouraging the active participation of Green Party members in Colorado and across the country in the upcoming 2024 elections,” the announcement stated.
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