Crow: Q&A

1. What do you look forward to the most for the coming year?

I look forward to working with the GPUS Steering Committee and state and local chapters to ensure that the GPUS continues to be a driving force in the many years to come in a meaningful way

2. What is an area you see where GPUS makes a great impact?

I think the GPUS has done rather well when it comes to grassroots organizing and building coalitions with other likewise groups and individuals that share a common interest advancing Green goals and Initiatives.

3. What's a committee collaboration that you would like to see?

I think we need to focus either on Ballot Access or Outreach or Eco Action which is something that everyone could get plugged into potentially

4. What's an area that you would like GPUS to make a greater impact? What tools or resources would you like to see GPUS to use in order to do so?

I think the GPUS Has done rather well in many areas, however we need to do better with straightening green local and state chapters and many party members have asked GPUS to focus on local and state organizing. I can't recommend any particular resource because there is a lot to choose from depending on your organizing needs. I feel for example we need to focus on using tools that could help with recruiting such as Nationbuilder which has helped established some sort of membership database for local and state parties which has been othen used for recruiting or announcement of party events or activities but their could be other tools

5. What do you think is a good fundraiser?

I do think we should focus our attention on both ballot Access and outreach or generally speaking anything that would help straighten state and local parties. I think inventing into helping building resources for local and state chapters would be a very big help for party building and help get green candidates elected and help recruit new members

6. What are your thoughts on building sustaining relationships?

I think this is something that should be encouraged when working on the national level and looking forward to building such relationships

Hunter Crow
GPTX Co Chair
GPTX Texas Delegate